Year 3 Ancient Egyptian Creative Day

Year 3 Egyptian Creative Day On Monday, Year 3 had a fantastic day learning all about the Ancient Egyptians. We travelled back in time to begin learning all about their fascinating civilisation. Dressed in brilliant costumes, we started the day learning about Papyrus...

Year 3 Out and About… Local Area Walks

This week linked to their geography work this term, our Year 3 classes headed out to explore the local area. Focusing on identifying physical and human features, the children had the opportunity to develop their fieldwork skills to make comparisons between...

Fiver Challenge Success

As briefly shared last week, after school on Friday 13th May, Year 5 held their Fiver Challenge Business Fair. Each team was given a £5 budget to make a profit by creating games, products or experiences in order to raise money to pay towards their residential trip...