Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE)
Please view our PSHE Curriculum Progression of Skills and Knowledge here:
WJS Curriculum Progression – Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (download link)
At Westfields Junior School, we greatly value the contribution that the Personal Social Health Education (PSHE) curriculum provides for all our learners. We believe that the personal development of our children plays a significant role in their ability to lead happy and healthy lives in today and tomorrow’s society.
We believe that Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is not regarded as a subject in its own right but it is a carefully planned and delivered element of our PSHE curriculum as recommended by Hampshire Education Committee and the Department for Education (DfE). Well-planned and age-appropriate RSE helps to equip children with the factual information, skills and confidence to manage and move through their lives. At Westfields Junior School, we aim to give children the opportunity to understand the range of beliefs and values that exist about RSE to support their development as unique individuals.
We are committed to promoting a safe and healthy lifestyle. Effective RSE needs to be taught in an atmosphere of trust, responsibility and respect where sensitive issues can be discussed without embarrassment or threat.
We perceive our role to be providing RSE which offers a platform for parents to then discuss the subject further and more personally in the home environment so that they are prepared for the responsibilities and experiences of adult life. Teachers are in an ideal position to help children understand growth and development alongside our Science Curriculum, as well as help the children feel comfortable discussing feelings related to relationships and changes that they will go through before and during puberty. These changes include that of friendships, family dynamics and personal relationships alongside the physical changes associated with growing up.
Our RSE lessons (please refer to the PSHE Long Term Overview, Year Group Long Term Overviews or Topic Webs to see when these lessons are delivered during the year) focus on families, relationships and keeping children safe. The resources encourage children to develop listening, empathy, talking about feelings and relationships with families and friends. From Year 3, children learn the names of the body parts, the differences between males and females and how they will develop and grow. Importantly, they will also learn to recognise unsafe situations, risk assess and ask for help. The curriculum continues to build their knowledge and skills as they learn about puberty’s physical and emotional changes in Year 5. By Year 6, the children will have taken part in a spiral curriculum building their knowledge of RSE in an age-appropriate way. Before transitioning to secondary school, they will have the opportunity to discuss relationships, responsibility and the Science surrounding making and having babies. Through our curriculum/provision, we have included lessons on internet safety, personal safety and communication in relationships.
Please click below to find the overview of what is taught in each year group, what resources are used and what vocabulary is discussed and defined.
Relationship and Sex Education Policy 2023
If you would like to discuss any questions or concerns in regards to our RSE curriculum, please contact your child’s class teacher.
We have collected information for parents to support with a range of well-being issues in today’s society. As we all know, it is vital that we all support children in understanding, protecting and sustaining their mental health. Below are a range of support materials with suggestions for how you can help your child with online safety, how to balance screen time, anti-bullying parent pack, NSPCC guides for safeguarding and a good sleep guide for children.
We hope you will find this useful and if you require further advice, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Miss Campbell
PSHE Co-ordinator
Anti-Bullying Week 2022 – Pack for Parents
Child Net Let’s Talk About Life Online
Department of Education – Advice for Parents on Cyberbullying
Internet Matters Guide Balancing Screen Time 7-11 KeyStage2
NSPCC Pants Parents Guide Online
NSPCC Underwear Rule Parents Guide for Children with Autism