Welcome from the Headteacher

On behalf of the children, staff and governors, I would like to warmly welcome you to our Westfields Junior School Website. We hope you find the site clear and easy to navigate. It is designed to give you a glimpse of the exciting life of our school, the work of our pupils and the quality education we strive to deliver.

Westfields Junior School is a vibrant and thriving school with 360 pupils on roll. We have high academic and behavioural expectations of pupils that support our aim for the entire school community to “Unite – Inspire – Excel”.

Click here to continue reading the Head’s welcome

Consultation on the proposal to federate Westfields Infants and Westfields Junior School into The Westfields Federation.

Please find attached a letter from Governors regarding the consultation on the proposal to federate Westfields Infants School and Westfields Junior School into The Westfields Federation.

Westfields Federation Consultation Document

Please see below Frequently Asked Questions on the proposal to federate from the Governors.

FAQ Document on the Proposal to Federate

Please see attached letter from Governors regarding the decision of the Executive Headteacher for The Westfields Federation.

The Westfields Federations Executive Headteacher

Latest News

This morning 3AM took their audience back in time with their Class Assembly all about the Stone Age! With the expertise of some very helpful archaeologists, the class explored the different eras of the Stone Age and shared their knowledge from our history and writing...

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JRSO Road Safety Lessons

This week, our fantastic Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs) have been busy delivering important lessons to classes across the whole school. As part of their role in promoting road safety, they have been teaching their peers about the Green Cross Code, the importance...

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Vocal Ambassadors 2025

This week, we were SO excited to announce that four children have been selected to become Hampshire Music Service Vocal Ambassadors for 2025. These children were chosen to represent Westfields Junior School because they have shown great musical talent in our music...

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