British Values

At Westfields, we want our pupils to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence; to be able to distinguish between right and wrong; to accept responsibility for their behaviour and to make a positive contribution to our school and wider society.

Across our school, we have a strong focus on spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues. We actively create opportunities for pupils to learn about British Values both through our overall curriculum provision, particularly Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education and Citizenship, and through additional opportunities such as Collective Worship and The Great Inter-house Debate.

Our school vision embodies these values: ‘…a school where everyone in the community is inspired to learn from and with each other, where there is mutual respect and self-belief in the pursuit of excellence.’

They are also reflected in our school mission statement: ‘…our children go into the wider world happy, confident, responsible citizens who are curious and respectful of all. They have a sense of self-worth, are well-equipped for the future, able to cope with change and make positive use of technological advances.’

Collective Worship

RE at Westfields is taught in accordance with the Hampshire agreed syllabus “Living Difference”.   Through their RE sessions, children develop mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs as they develop their understanding of the beliefs and practices of world faiths.  Children engage in discussion, reflection and evaluation around religious concepts and are supported in their own search for meaning, purpose and value in life.

Collective acts of worship at Westfields have a focus on spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues.  As well as reflecting on social and moral issues together as a school, we also welcome visitors from a range of faiths to lead assemblies, where they share their beliefs and raise the profile of religious celebrations throughout the year.

The Great Inter-house Debate

Our annual Great Debate gives all pupils an opportunity to take part in a formal debate, on a theme related to our SMSC and British Values programme or current affair issues.


May 2023 – Electric Cars, June 2022 – How Sleep or Lack of Sleep affects our Wellbeing, May 2019 – E-Safety, May 2018 – Equality