On behalf of Leigh-ann Ogborne, our Chair of Governors, and the other members of the Governing Body, we would like to welcome all parents to our thriving and successful school. We are proud to be associated with the children and staff of Westfields Junior School and believe that the children here receive an excellent education in a nurturing and happy environment. We welcome contact from parents regarding any queries that you may have.
If you like to find out more about becoming a Governor, visit Hampshire Governor Services for information.
The Governing Body
Co-opted Governor
Term of office: 17/04/23 - 16/04/27
Date first appointed: 06/12/18
Committees: Finance and Personnel
Governor attendance 2022/23: 10/10
Governor attendance 2021/22: 12/12
Governor attendance 2020/21: 12/14
Positions: Chair of Governors, Safer Recruitment Governor, Recruitment and Induction Governor
Register of interests: Parent of Westfields Junior School pupil
Co-opted Governor
Term of office: 17/04/23 - 16/04/27
Date first appointed: 17/04/23
Committees: Finance and Personnel, Staff Discipline/Dismissals and HT Review Panel
Governor attendance 2022/23: 4/4
Positions: Vice Chair of Governors and Transitional Role Governor
Register of interests: none
Local Authority Governor
Term of Office: 17/04/23 - 16/04/27
Date first appointed: 12/10/95
Committees: Finance and Personnel, Children and Learning, Assessment and Progress, Pupil Discipline, Staff Pay Review Panel
Governor attendance 2022/23: 9/12
Governor attendance 2021/22: 7/12
Governor attendance 2020/21: 10/11
Register of interests: Grandparent of Westfields Junior School pupil from Sept 2018
Co-opted Governor
Term of office: 17/04/23 - 16/04/27
Date first appointed: 15/03/18
Committees: Finance and Personnel, Assessment and Progress (Chair), HT Pay Review Panel
Governor attendance 2022/23: 13/14
Governor attendance 2021/22: 12/14
Governor attendance 2020/21: 13/13
Positions: SEND Governor, Designated CiC Governor, Safer Recruitment
Register of interests: none
Co-opted Governor
Term of Office: 17/04/23 - 16/04/27
Date first appointed: 17/04/23
Committees: Children and Learning (Chair)
Governor attendance 2022/23: 3/3
Positions: Safeguarding Governor
Register of interests: parent of WIS pupil
Co-opted Governor
Term of Office: 17/04/23 - 16/04/27
Date first appointed: 17/04/23
Committees: Children and Learning (Vice Chair), Assessment and Progress, Pupil Discipline, Staff Discipline/Dismissals (Appeals)
Governor attendance 2022/23: 2/4
Positions: Safer Recruitment Governor
Register of interests: none
Co-opted Governor
Term of Office: 17/04/23 - 16/04/27
Date first appointed: 17/04/23
Committees: Assessment and Progress, Staff Pay Review Panel
Governor attendance 2022/23: 0/2
Positions: Health and Safety Governor
Register of interests: none
Co-Opted Governor
Term of office: 17/04/23 - 16/04/27
Date first appointed: 26/01/17
Committees: Finance & Personnel (Chair)
Governor attendance 2022/23: 10/13
Governor attendance 2021/22: 13/14
Governor attendance 2020/21: 11/11
Register of interests: none
Co-opted Governor
Term of Office: 17/04/23 - 16/04/27
Date first appointed: 17/04/23
Committees: Children and Learning
Governor attendance 2022/23: 2/2
Positions: Safer Recruitment Governor
Register of interests: parent of WJS pupil
Co-Opted Governor
Term of Office: 17/04/23 - 16/04/27
Date first appointed: 14/09/22
Committees: Finance and Personnel (Vice Chair), Assessment and Progress, Staff Discipline/Dismissals
Governor attendance 2022/23: 10/14
Register of interests: none
Co-opted Governor
Term of Office: 17/04/23 - 16/04/27
Date first appointed: 17/04/23
Committees: Children and Learning, Assessment and Progress
Governor attendance 2022/23: 5/5
Register of interests: member of staff
Term of Office: since 01/09/16 - a member of the governing body by virtue of position in school
Committees: Finance and Personnel, Children and Learning, Assessment and Progress
Governor attendance 2022/23: 18/18
Governor attendance 2021/22: 18/18
Governor attendance 2020/21: 17/17
Register of interests: member of staff
Associate Member - a member of the governing body by virtue of position in school
Term of Office: since 05/10/17 - has no voting rights on any of the committees
Committees: Children and Learning, Assessment and Progress
Governor attendance 2022/23: 8/10
Governor attendance 2021/22: 10/12
Governor attendance 2020/21: 10/11
Register of interests: member of staff
Parent Governor
Term of Office: 17/04/23 - 16/04/27
Date first appointed: 15/07/21
Committees: Finance and Personnel, Assessment and Progress, Children and Learning, Staff Pay Review Panel
Governor attendance 2022/23: 7/12
Governor attendance 2021/22: 10/12
Governor attendance 2020/21: not serving
Positions: Safeguarding Governor, Safer Recruitment, Forum Rep
Register of interests: none
Parent Governor
Term of Office: 17/04/23 - 16/04/27
Date first appointed: 17/04/23
Committees: Assessment and Progress (Vice Chair), Children and Learning, Pupil Discipline
Governor attendance 2022/23: 5/5
Positions: Training Liaison Governor
Register of interests: parent of WIS pupil
Staff Governor
Term of Office: 17/04/23 - 16/04/27
Date first appointed: 17/04/23
Committees: Assessment and Progress
Governor attendance 2022/23: 4/4
Positions: Safer Recruitment Governor
Register of interests: teacher at WIS
Clerk to Governors
Co-Opted Governor
Term of Office: 17/04/23 - 13/09/23
Date first appointed: 07/03/13
Leaving date: 14/09/23
Committees: Finance and Personnel (Vice Chair), Assessment and Progress, Staff Dismissals, Pupil Discipline
Positions: FGB Chair, Safeguarding Governor, Governor responsible for monitoring physical restraint
Governor attendance 2022/23: 10/14
Governor attendance 2021/22: 13/14
Governor attendance 2020/21: 11/13
Register of interests: none
Co-Opted Governor
Term of Office: 14/09/22 - 13/09/23
Date first appointed: 14/09/22
Leaving date: 14/09/23
Committees: Children and Learning, Assessment and Progress
Governor attendance 2022/23: 4/10
Co-Opted Governor
Term of Office: 17/04/23 - 31/08/23
Date first appointed: 17/04/23
Leaving date: 14/09/23
Governor attendance 2022/23:
Co-Opted Governor
Term of Office: 17/04/23 - 13/09/23
Date first appointed: 17/04/23
Leaving date: 14/09/23
Governor attendance 2022/23:
Co-Opted Governor
Term of Office: 17/04/23 - 13/09/23
Date first appointed: 17/04/23
Leaving date: 14/09/23
Governor attendance 2022/23:
Associate Member - a member of the governing body by virtue of position in school
Term of Office: since 01/09/16 - has no voting rights on any of the committees
Leaving date: 30/08/23
Committees: Assessment and Progress
Governor attendance 2022/23: 4/5
Governor attendance 2021/22: 4/4
Governor attendance 2020/21: 2/3
Register of interests: member of staff
Staff Governor
Term of Office: 26/09/20 - 16/04/23
Date first appointed: 27/09/12
Leaving date: 17/04/23
Committees: Children and Learning, Assessment and Progress
Governor attendance 2022/23: 6/7
Governor attendance 2021/22: 10/12
Governor attendance 2020/21: 10/11
Register of interests: member of staff
Parent Governor
Term of office: 27/11/21 - 16/04/23
Date first appointed: 28/11/17
Leaving date: 17/04/23
Committees: Children and Learning, Assessment and Progress
Governor attendance 2022/23: 6/7
Governor attendance 2021/22: 8/12
Governor attendance 2020/21: 10/11
Register of interests: none
Co-Opted Governor
Term of Office: 13/03/21 - 16/04/23
Date first appointed: 07/03/13
Leaving date: 17/04/23
Committees: Finance and Personnel (Chair), Children and Learning, Staff Pay Review Panel, HT Review Panel
Governor attendance 2022/23: 8/9
Governor attendance 2021/22: 10/14
Governor attendance 2020/21: 12/14
Register of interests: none
Co-Opted Governor
Term of Office: 14/09/22 - 16/04/23
Date first appointed: 14/09/22
Leaving date: 17/04/23
Committees: Children and Learning, Assessment and Progress
Governor attendance 2022/23: 2/7
Parent Governor
Term of office: 06/12/18 - 05/12/22
Leaving date: 09/12/22
Committees: Children and Learning, Assessment and Progress
Governor attendance 2022/23: 3/4
Governor attendance 2021/22: 9/12
Governor attendance 2020/21: 7/11
Positions: Forum Rep
Register of interests: Parent of Westfields Junior School pupil
Co-Opted Governor
Term of Office: 23/09/20 - 07/09/21 (stepped down 31/08/21)
Leaving date: 08/9/21
Committees: Assessment and Progress, Children and Learning, Pupil Discipline, Staff Dismissals (Appeals)
Governor attendance 2020/21: 8/11
Register of interests: none
Co-Opted Governor
Term of Office: 18/11/17 - 23/07/21
Leaving date: 09/08/21
Committees: Assessment and Progress, Finance and Personnel, Staff Dismissals, Staff Pay Review Panel, HT Review Panel
Positions: Vice Chair of Governors and Safer Recruitment Governor
Governor attendance 2020/21: 12/12
Register of interests: none
Co-Opted Governor
Term of Office: 18/11/17 - 17/11/21
Leaving date: 22/10/2020
Committees: Finance and Personnel (Vice Chair), Children and Learning - formed 24/01/17 (Chair), Pupil Discipline, Staff Dismissals (Appeals), HT Review Panel
Governor attendance 2019/20: 15/15
Register of interests: none