JRSO Road Safety Lessons

This week, our fantastic Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs) have been busy delivering important lessons to classes across the whole school. As part of their role in promoting road safety, they have been teaching their peers about the Green Cross Code, the importance...

Vocal Ambassadors 2025

This week, we were SO excited to announce that four children have been selected to become Hampshire Music Service Vocal Ambassadors for 2025. These children were chosen to represent Westfields Junior School because they have shown great musical talent in our music...

Fantastic Finish Learning Exhibitions

On Thursday, Year 6 and today Year 4 welcomed family members into school for our Fantastic Finish Learning Exhibitions to showcase their fantastic history learning from last term! Presented in the hall, Year 6 created a wartime snapshot of different ways of life...

Christmas Extravaganza 2024

Across the school, classes have relished the opportunity to put their entrepreneurial skills to the test by preparing games, decorations and sweet treats for this year’s Christmas Extravaganza which took place this afternoon. We certainly hope many of you have been...

Bikeability Cycle Training 2024

We are proud to share that an impressive 79 Year 6 pupils had the rather chilly opportunity to complete their Bikeability Training which is such an important life skill! Starting last Friday and throughout this week, the children have set out and about with...