Year 3 Egyptian Creative Day

Year 3 were excited to be off time travelling again but this time to take part in our Ancient Egyptian Creative Day linked to our History learning. The children looked absolutely fantastic in their costumes and fully embraced, ‘Walking like an Egyptian!’ Throughout...

Federation Maths Day 2024

On Tuesday, we immersed ourselves in the wonderful world of Maths! It was a fun-filled day with lots of activities to help us explore and develop the children’s mathematical knowledge and skills. Every pupil embarked on a maths trail; identifying angles and shapes...

Colour Run Success!

We are so excited to share that following a memorable and sunny afternoon last half term, the total raised for this year’s Colour Run was an absolutely fantastic £2,750.30! As a federation event both WISPA and PAWS will share these funds but we would like to say a...

Walk To School Week 2024 Results

Thank you for all of your support in terms of our Walk to School Week. We are  pleased to share the efforts of everyone who chose to travel to school by healthy green ways. Each day classes collected the travel data of all pupils and congratulations to 4VH who...

Fiver Challenge Success!

As mentioned last week, after school on Friday, our fabulous Year 5 pupils hosted their annual Fiver Challenge Business Fair. As a valuable real life experience, each small group was given a £5 budget to make a profit by creating games, products or experiences in...

The Great Debate Inter-team Competition 2024

On Tuesday for what has now become a greatly anticipated annual event and following a whole school home learning task to prepare justified viewpoints regarding, Should children only have sweets at the weekend? a small group of children from each year group were...