Year 6 Trip to Winchester Military Museums

On Monday and Tuesday this week, Year 6 enjoyed fantastic day visits to Winchester Military Museums. From handling World War II artefacts, to trying on a range of military outfits, we all certainly enjoyed immersing ourselves into our topic. During the morning, we...


On Wednesday, Year 6 enjoyed a fabulous WWII Creative Day. Everyone dressed up as a person from WWII, including: evacuees, land girls, soldiers, medics and many more! The first activity was learning all about code breaking. The children learnt all about Bletchley...

Rocket Competition Results 2023

Following our fun filled assembly just before half term, we once again set all of the children across the school the challenge of creating their very own rocket. Although the one demonstrated was only made from card and paper we were all incredibly impressed to share...

WJS Harvest Celebrations 2023

This year’s Harvest Celebration was certainly a memorable one! Led by Year 4 narrators, each pair of buddy classes from across the school shared an offering which varied from songs to poems and even a food around the world quiz. In addition to this we all joined in...

Race for Life Fun Run 2023

On Tuesday afternoon the sun shone and we were all very excited to complete our Race For Life Fun Run as our whole school physical extended curriculum activity this term. The children fashioned their pink accessories to participate in year group heats and share lots...

5HB Class Assembly

This morning 5HB were the first class of this academic year to perform their Class Assembly. To celebrate their current learning in Science, the children confidently took everyone on an exciting journey through Space to explore the various planets in our Solar System....