We are excited to share the adventures of our Year 6 pupils during their unforgettable residential trip to Condover Hall! Amidst the backdrop of nature, our young explorers embarked on a thrilling journey filled with challenges and lots of team building fun. From conquering towering rock faces and rock climbing to tackling Jacob’s Ladder with determination, the children’s resilience and courage shone brightly as the WJS superstars that they are. They honed their teamwork skills by crafting buggies together and making memories. Despite the muddy terrain, their spirits remained undampened as they zipped through the air
on exhilarating zip wires. Evenings were filled, with campfire songs fostering camaraderie, detective skills tested in a giant game of Cluedo, and silent discos turning the night into a dance-filled celebration. We’re proud to report that their exemplary behaviour was noted by the JCA staff, reflecting the values of our school. Our Year 6 adventurers returned home with new skills, stories and friendships… and a lot of dirty washing! For more photos, please take a look here: Year 6 | Westfields Junior School
Miss Campbell, Yr6 Team Leader