Building Challenge

Last Friday, 12 of our Years 6s went head-to-head against other local schools in this year’s Building Challenge held at Owlsmoor School. The Building Challenge is an inter-school team activity to challenge pupils’ thinking skills. It is an opportunity for pupils...

Year 6 Local Area Walk

This week, all three of our Year 6 classes thoroughly enjoyed their local walks linked to their geography work. During their local adventure they explored maps and satellites to get an understanding of the facilities in Yateley. They...

Year 3 Butser Ancient Farm

To bring their current topic work to life, on Thursday Year 3 travelled back (via coach!) to Ancient Britain to experience first hand what life was like during the Stone Age.  As one of the most interesting archaeological sites in the UK;  the children (and...

3MP Radio Show

3MP have uploaded their first Class Radio Show this week.  They are all very excited to share some of their learning highlights with the rest of the world! The children (and staff!) would love you to find the time to listen to their fantastic recordings by...

WJS Eco-Committee Go Tree Planting

  Mrs Dobson (joined by one of our lovely parents, Mrs Hughes) accompanied Eco-Council to St Peter’s Church in Yateley on Wednesday afternoon to plant trees donated by The Woodland Trust. They had a wonderful time helping to make a difference to our planet one...