To bring their current topic work to life, on Thursday Year 3 travelled back (via coach!) to Ancient Britain to experience first hand what life was like during the Stone Age. As one of the most interesting archaeological sites in the UK; the children (and staff !) were excited to visit a real working farm that is used as an open-air research laboratory to extend their knowledge and understanding of this historical era. They had the wonderful opportunity to take part in a range of practical activities such as chalk carving where the pupils carved a picture on a lump of chalk with a sharpened flint or carve it into a representative shape, just as prehistoric people did.
They also learnt the skills of wattling with hazel rods to create fences as a basis for the walls of a house. The children also explored a range of life size model dwellings and discovered what people of these ancient times ate, how they made fire, how they survived and where they slept around an open fire in a roundhouse. It was a memorable experience that was made even better by the appearance of the sunshine as well as the children’s impeccable behaviour!
Well done Year 3 for representing WJS so well and thank you to all of the parents who joined in the fun too – your support is greatly appreciated!
Additional photographs can be found on the Year 3 Page via the following link – Year 3 | Westfields Junior School