4VH Class Assembly

This morning, 4VH proudly presented a dramatised summary of their learning all about the Ancient Greeks in the form of their Class Assembly. They truly impressed us all with their whistle-stop tour full of puns (mostly about Greece and Grease!), facts and famous Greek...

Friendship Week

As promised, on Monday, we began our Friendship Week by celebrating Odd Socks Day. Once again the children all looked brilliant in their jazzy socks of all colours and patterns to showcase their individuality and our inclusive culture at Westfields. This year’s theme...

4MP Radio Show

4MP have uploaded their Class Radio Show this week to share some of their recent learning highlights.  The children would love you to find the time to listen to their fabulous recordings by visiting: S’cool Radio Please remember the children would be...

Remembrance Parade

Following the children’s activities in school last week to commemorate Remembrance, on Sunday afternoon, I was once again extremely proud to accompany pupils and staff at the Yateley Remembrance Service and Parade at St Swithun’s Church. A smaller group of children...

3LF Class Assembly

As well as other learning and visitors in school , this week 3LF have worked really hard to prepare their first WJS Class Assembly all about London! Our assembly was based on a book we have shared in class, ‘A Walk in London’ by Salvatore Rubino which is a recount of...

Year 5 Trip to Winchester Science Centre

On Wednesday Year 5 embarked on a mission to Space by visiting the Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium. After a very exciting double-decker coach journey, we arrived to explore the hands-on exhibits linked to our learning in Science around themes of sound,...