JRSO Road Safety Lessons

Over the past couple of weeks, our Year 5 and 6 Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs) have been busy delivering road safety lessons for all of our classes. They have planned their lessons, engaged with pupils, discussed essential topics such as; traffic laws and...

World Religions Day 2024

On Monday 22nd January, all of the children were given the exciting opportunity to take part in our World Religions Day. Each year group was allocated a different religion which was then explored and  discussed as an extended curriculum opportunity: Year 3...

Fantastic Finish Learning Exhibitions

  On Thursday, Year 6 and today Year 4 welcomed family members into school for our Fantastic Finish Learning Exhibitions to predominantly showcase their history learning from last term! Year 6 time-travelled through a few decades to enable their parents and...

Year 6 Fire and Safety Workshop

Today, the Year 6 pupils all thoroughly enjoyed a comprehensive Fire and Safety Workshop that not only extended their knowledge of safety but also equipped them with crucial life skills. During the workshop, they delved into an exploration of the top causes of fires,...

Yateley Christmas Market Choir Success!

Once again our impressive School Choir spread some festive cheer across our local community with their fabulous performance last weekend at the Yateley Christmas Market. With a combination of classics and modern tunes, they entertained a huge crowd. In particular it...