School Council News

On Tuesday morning our fabulous School Councillors participated in an interactive online workshop hosted at the Houses of Parliament! The session gave councillors the opportunity to extend their knowledge and understanding about democracy and how the...

5DT Class Assembly

Today 5DT dusted off their acting skills to perform their Class Assembly entitled, The Circle of Life. During their assembly, the children humorously and enthusiastically explored the life cycles of many different animals; from mammals and birds to insects...

World Earth Day 2022

On Thursday 28th April we celebrated World Earth Day at Westfields. To develop our children’s understanding of the importance of protecting our planet, each year group had the opportunity to focus on a specific environmental concern: Litter in...

High-5 Netball Tournament

On Wednesday after school we attempted to host a greatly anticipated High Five Netball Tournament. Having closely monitored the skies all day, unfortunately the weather was not on our side! It was a tricky decision to make but all of the visiting schools...