Year 3 Virtual Road Safety Workshop

On Thursday afternoon, Year 3 enjoyed a very informative virtual workshop all about keeping safe as a pedestrian and finding safe places to cross roads. Such important life skills; the children thoroughly enjoyed this extended curriculum opportunity and we hope it...

Year 6 Local Area Walks

During different morning sessions this week, each of our Year 6 classes headed out into Yateley High Street to complete their human geography field work linked to their current geography unit: ‘Location, Location, Location’. In order to inform their town planning...


We shared in so much family fun to celebrate this year’s World Earth Day! Children, staff, parents and family members all had a fabulous time working together to complete our secret World Earth Day Challenge of creating items designed to be sold by IKEA from recycled...

Year 3 Fantastic Finish

Our Year 3 pupils certainly put on a fabulous show of their learning at their first Fantastic Finish Learning Exhibition! It was  such a treat to watch the children confidently share their learning with their family members and peers on Thursday afternoon. In...

Year 5 Fantastic Finish

On Wednesday afternoon, Year 5 were excited to host their Anglo-Saxon and Viking themed Fantastic Finish Learning Exhibition. Parents and other family members came to share the learning that all of the children had enjoyed last term; with books, jewellery and work on...