On Thursday, Year 6 and today Year 4 welcomed family members into school for our Fantastic Finish Learning Exhibitions to showcase their fantastic history learning from last term!
Presented in the hall, Year 6 created a wartime snapshot of different ways of life during the 1940s. Parents and other family members were invited to see our children modelling their best wartime dance moves as well as shared the video from their Creative Day. On display was an array of the children’s poppy inspired works of art including modroc and quilling as well as their topic books. Everyone had the chance to try to crack the enigma code, create propaganda posters, record their own end of war announcements and even visit the pop-up photo booth!

Also located in the hall this afternoon, Year 4 were excited to share their knowledge of the Ancient Greeks through a range of displays (including their History and Art books) and interactive activities which included:
alphabet writing in Greek, designing vases, theatre plays exploring artefacts and designing mythical creatures! The children knowledgably explained the development of the Greek Empire, described the differences between the many Greek Gods and shared the many ways in which the Ancient Greeks have influenced our lives today!

Well done to everyone… what a wonderfully positive way to start the term – it is always so lovely to welcome so many visitors to share in our children’s success!