Fiver Challenge Success!

As mentioned last week, after school on Friday, our fabulous Year 5 pupils hosted their annual Fiver Challenge Business Fair. As a valuable real life experience, each small group was given a £5 budget to make a profit by creating games, products or experiences in...

The Great Debate Inter-team Competition 2024

On Tuesday for what has now become a greatly anticipated annual event and following a whole school home learning task to prepare justified viewpoints regarding, Should children only have sweets at the weekend? a small group of children from each year group were...

3RP Class Assembly

This morning, 3RP literally lit up the school hall with their fantastic Class Assembly. The children (and staff!) were excited to share their learning from their Science topic all about Light as well as their recent RE topic relating to the Hindu festival of Holi....

Year 3 and 4 Indoor Athletics

On Tuesday , twelve Year 3 and 4 children were invited to compete in an Inter-School Indoor Athletics Competition at Calthorpe Park School. The competition was split into two categories: running and field events. The children performed admirably in the field events,...

4CB Class Assembly

This morning, 4CB showcased the knowledge they have gained about the Romans so far this term in the form of our Class Assembly. The children wowed us all with their amazing facts about the different aspects of Roman life (lots of which we learnt about on our fabulous...