Year 3 Stone Age Creative Day

On Thursday, Year 3 had the pleasure of taking part in a Stone Age Creative Day linked to their current History learning. The children looked absolutely fantastic in their costumes and thoroughly enjoyed having messy hair and wearing animal skin outfits! Throughout...

Football Match Report

Westfields Juniors V Potley Hill – Thursday 26th January After school on Thursday 26th January 2023, Westfields were victorious in our first league match of the season against Potley Hill. After making the short journey to the away ground, our team worked...

5HB Class Assembly

This morning 5HB confidently took everyone at WJS on a journey back in time to the late AD 700s to explore the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings. The class shared details all about where they came from, their navigation skills and even told us about some of the kings...

WJS @ the O2 for Young Voices 2023

What a memorable day (and night!) so much to celebrate! In the words of Heather Small (and the YV Choir!), “What have you done today to make you feel proud?!?” Well… the WJS YV Choir certainly made me feel proud, what absolute superstars!        ...

Fantastic Finish Learning Exhibitions

On Tuesday, Year 4 and Year 6 welcomed family members into school for our first ever Fantastic Finish to predominantly showcase our history learning from last term! Within Year 4, the classes demonstrated their knowledge of the Ancient Greeks through three key...