Science Week 2023

This year, the theme for British Science Week 2023 is ‘Connections’ and WJS has embraced this in our own wonderful way! We started by thinking about how our world is full of connections – connections in our bodies, with other people and with other...

6CH Radio Show

6CH have uploaded their first Class Radio Show this week to share some of their recent learning highlights.  The children would love you to find the time to listen to their fabulous recordings by visiting: S’cool Radio Please remember the children...

3CC Class Assembly

In 3CC’s Class Assembly this morning, the children brought our history curriculum to life! First, acting as Archaeology students, they guided the whole school and family members through the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages, uncovering all sorts of fascinating...

Year 6 Local Area Walks

Earlier this week, 6HC and 6CH went on a local area walk to Yateley High Street to complete some field work. Before we left, all of the children made a key to use when constructing maps. We stopped at two locations and mapped out the High Street, trying to make sure...