Year 3 Djembe Drum Musical Performance

Our Year 3 cohort have worked so hard this term in their music lessons that we had to share their success with a parent and family performance on Wednesday. With a whistle-stop tour of their six-step learning, the children impressed their audience with impressive...

Indoor Athletics

On Tuesday, our team of Year 6 children went to compete in an Indoor Athletics Competition at Calthorpe Park School. The competition was split into two categories: running and field events. The children performed admirably, particularly in the field events, which...

Year 6 Residential to Condover Hall Fun…

We are excited to share the adventures of our Year 6 pupils during their unforgettable residential trip to Condover Hall! Amidst the backdrop of nature, our young explorers embarked on a thrilling journey filled with challenges and lots of team building fun. From...

Year 3 Visit to Butser Farm

Year 3 packed up their wellies and lunches on Thursday, to enjoy an action-packed day visit to Butser Ancient Farm and bring their current history learning to life! As one of the most interesting archaeological sites in the whole of the UK, it is a fascinating place...

Year 4 Visit Selborne River

To consolidate our learning about the topic ‘Water, Water Everywhere’, Year 4 put their geographical investigation skills to the test in a visit to Gilbert White Field Studies Centre. As true geographers, they braved the mud in their wellies and explored the river...