Year 6
Team Leader
Please click on the links below to access the latest newsletter and topic web.
Autumn Term 2024
Year 6 have had an incredibly busy start to their final year at Westfields with an action-packed Autumn Term. Our history topic, World War II, transported us back to 1940s Britain as we explored a wide range of fascinating themes. These included the causes of the war, major events, life during the Blitz, propaganda, the role of women, and, how the war impacted Hampshire – our overarching history enquiry question.
To deepen the children’s understanding, we enjoyed a fantastic trip to the Winchester Military Museums, where the children benefitted from the expertise of the historians working there. During the workshops, we explored a variety of topics, including military medals, the contributions of the Gurkhas, wartime uniforms, life on the Home Front, and how to effectively analyse historical sources. It was a thoroughly enriching experience that brought their learning to life!
Not only this, but the children also enjoyed a Creative Day with three different workshops. They enjoyed playing part of an evacuee, code-breaking and learning how to do dances like the Charleston. This all culminated with a tea dance in the afternoon and we cannot wait to share all of our learning with family members at our Fantastic Finish Learning Exhibition in January.
As well as this, our English learning journeys also had historical themes. Throughout the term, the children explored a range of fiction and non-fiction texts in our writing and guided reading lessons. We have discovered what life was like for a group of evacuees in ‘Carrie’s War’, delved into the magical world of ‘Narnia’ and even written our own flashbacks based on a film narrative text.
We have been really impressed with the children’s development of their mathematical knowledge over the Autumn term too. They have strengthened their understanding of place value, as well as tackled challenges with the formal methods for the four operations including persevering with long multiplication and division! The children then used these skills to solve real-life problems involving fractions. The children showed fantastic commitment when getting to grips with applying their existing knowledge.
The Year 6 children have completed lots of physical challenges this term. Many of the children have improved their understanding of road safety on their Bikeability courses. The children have learnt a lot about staying safe whether that is in water or out on the roads.
In our Science lessons, the Year 6 children began with learning a focus all about light. They explored how light travels, how it enables us to see as well as the scientific concepts of refraction and reflection. Following on from this, they explored the ‘Theory of Evolution’ through their topic Evolution and Inheritance. During this topic the children learnt about natural selection, inheritance of genes within families and studied the work of famous scientists such as Charles Darwin and Mary Anning.
Not only this but the children also completed not one, but two DT projects! Linking with their history topic the children learnt about rationing and made some delicious Woolton Pies! Then, to end our busy term, they made moving Christmas shop windows. After learning about pulley mechanisms and using coding knowledge to programme lights and motors on Crumble kits, the children combined all of this knowledge to create fantastic Christmas themed window displays as well as all of the other usual Christmas excitement including our Extravaganza and Carol Service at St Swithun’s Church.
Summer Term 2024
Once again, our summer term was filled with lots of fun activities to finish the children’s time at Westfields Junior School on a high! This term we have had World Earth Day, our Local Area walk, SATs, Walk to School week, Maths Day, transition visits with the secondary schools, Poetry Slam, District Sports and last but not least, our Year 6 production of ‘Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies’! The children have certainly enjoyed all of these special days immensely and it has been a joy to see them thrive throughout the term.
English highlights:
In English, at the beginning of this term we explored the theme of ‘Awe and Wonder’. This was a chance for the children to show off all of their writing skills they have gained throughout their time at Westfields. The children wrote suspense narratives and worked on using different features to build tension. In the second half of the term, we have been delving into texts with our overarching theme of ‘Deadly Disasters’. We began by exploring ‘The Flood’. We first made predictions, put the pictures in order and then had a go at writing our own version of the story. We also developed our creative writing skills by writing descriptive narratives. Alongside this, in Guided Reading, we also followed the same theme and explored the non-fiction book ‘Natural Disasters’ and a fiction book called ‘Floodlands’. As well as this, we used our Captain Communication and Confidence skills in our annual Poetry Slam! 6HC and 6ZN took first and second place in the upper school this year with their effective and enthusiastic performances!
Maths highlights:
Within our Maths learning this term, Year 6 started with revising all of their knowledge that they needed for SATS. The children worked extremely hard in lessons and extra revision sessions to recap their knowledge of the four operations, fractions, decimals, shape, algebra, statistics, BODMAs and more! After this, the children completed a range of problem-solving booklets to once again put their knowledge to the test. The children managed to find codes to unlock phones and solve ‘who dunnits’. We also had our first ever Maths Day! The children explored how Maths is all around us. They completed a Maths trail, listened to a maths based story and used Maths to draw impossible objects. We also made Maths based board games which were then shared across the whole federation! It was a brilliant day which celebrated the wonderful world of Maths at Westfields Junior School.
Foundation subject highlights:
In Science, we have been focusing on animals, how they are classified and micro-organisms! We have learnt all about the Linnaeus system and how animals can be classified. Then we wrote a whole fact file on some rather unique animals that we have in our natural world. As well as this, we conducted our own experiment to see how mould can grow in different conditions – it was certainly a memorable experiment!
In History, we learnt all about the power of the Monarchy, discussing why Parliament runs our country instead of the King. We looked at key moments from the reign of King John, King James I, Queen Anne and Queen Victoria. In each lesson, we discussed who had more power and why. In the end, we had to decide whether or not the monarchy or Parliament should run the country.
In our final Geography unit, we looked at some ‘Deadly Disasters’! We discovered all about the different layers of the Earth and how tectonic plates can cause earthquakes, mountains and volcanoes to form. We looked at the impact that these can have on humans. It was wonderful to see some of the amazing home learning that the children created over the half term! From 3D models of the earth to some amazing volcanoes, the children’s hard work and passion for the topic was clear.
Spring Term 2024
To say our Spring Term was jam-packed would be an understatement! In Year 6, we have participated in a wide-range of special events such as: World Religions Day, our Fantastic Finish, Wellbeing Week, Safer Internet Day, Westfields Has Talent, World Book Day, Potted Sports and not to mention our residential trip to Condover Hall! We had an adrenaline filled week with ziplining, climbing walls, games in the swimming pool, rocket launching and so much more! The children were a credit to our school as they immersed themselves into life at Condover and approached every task with determination and a great sense of fun! It was wonderful to see the children having the time of their lives – hopefully they made memories to last a life time!
English highlights:
In English, we have been delving into texts with different locations matching in with our overarching theme ‘Location, Location, Location’. We began by exploring Kensuke’s Kingdom and learnt about a boy who was stranded at sea on an island with a mysterious man, Kensuke. Developing our reporting skills, Year 6 wrote a a newspaper report based around the disappearance of a person in mysterious circumstances, a survival guide for a desert island and a hybrid narrative about a disaster leading to an exploration of unknown lands. It was brilliant to see how creative the children where when selecting their language to create tension and atmosphere.
Moving onto a completely different environment, Year 6 wrote persuasive letters to convince Ernest Shackleton to allow them to join his crew that were hoping to complete their mission in being the first team to cross Antarctica. However, after learning that his journey was full of peril and disaster, the children wrote letters of complaint about their treatment whilst on this dangerous journey! We also learnt about Robert Scott and compared the two journeys. The children could then write a eulogy for either Shackleton or Scott to commemorate their achievements. The children certainly enjoyed learning about both of these intrepid explorers and their writing incorporated so many elements to make it effective!
Maths highlights:
Within our Maths learning this term, Year 6 have delved into calculating with and converting between fractions, decimals and percentages. We have worked hard to strengthen our arithmetic skills and strengthen our addition, subtraction, multiplication and division between fractions and decimals. Following on from this we explored problem solving with algebra and learnt how to find missing numbers that are represented with shapes or letters. We have also applied our knowledge of multiplication to support us in calculating with ratios, including using scale factors.
Foundation subject highlights:
Bringing the spark into our Science learning, the children began the Spring term with a focus on electricity. We explored the different components of a circuit, the differences between voltage and current and even designed our own buzzer games using all of the knowledge we had gained about electricity. Next, we explored the human body, including our main organs and systems that keep us alive. We also focused on staying healthy and things that could harm our bodies such as having a poor diet, not exercising and the impact of drugs.
Continuing with our ‘Location, Location, Location’ unit, within Geography we have learnt about our local area of Yateley. We put this into context of the UK by exploring counties, cities, land use as well as transport links and natural resources. Then, we applied our knowledge of these features to explore Yateley and compared it to the nearby town of Camberley. During our learning, we visited Yateley High Street and mapped its features as well as completed surveys into what new and exciting features could be brought to Yateley to develop the town further.
Autumn Term 2023
Year 6 certainly started off their final year at Westfields with an incredibly busy Autumn Term. Our history topic of World War II meant we immersed ourselves into the 1940s Britain. Our jam-packed topic explored: the causes of the war, major events, living through the Blitz, propaganda, the role of women, and most importantly how it impacted Hampshire. (which was our overarching history enquiry question).
To deeper the children’s learning we also went on a fabulous trip to the Winchester Military Museums where the children benefitted from the knowledge of the historians who work there. During the workshops the children learnt about medals, the contributions of the Gurkhas, military uniforms, the Home Front and effectively using historical sources.
Not only this, but the children also enjoyed a Creative Day with three different workshops. They enjoyed making promotional Home Front videos on iMovie, code-breaking and learning how to do dances like the Charleston. This all culminated with a tea dance in the afternoon.
As well as this, our English learning journeys also had a History theme. Throughout the term, the children explored a range of fiction and non-fiction texts in our writing and guided reading lessons. We have discovered what life was like for a group of evacuees in ‘Carrie’s war’, delved into the magical world of ‘Narnia’ and even written our own flashbacks based on a film narrative text.
We have been really impressed with the children’s development of their maths knowledge over the Autumn term too. They have strengthened their understanding of place value, as well as tackled challenges with the formal methods for the four operations including persevering with long multiplication and division! The children then used these skills to solve real-life problems involving fractions. The children showed fantastic commitment when getting to grips with applying their existing knowledge.
The Year 6 children have completed lots of physical challenges this term. Using our Sports Premium Funding, some of the children have further developed their swimming strokes during our weekly swimming lessons at Yateley School as well as improved their understanding of road safety on their Bikeability courses. The children have learnt a lot about staying safe whether that is in water or out on the roads. Also, around the theme of keeping safe – the children enjoyed a workshop from Hampshire Fire Service. They learnt all about the fire triangle, how fires can spread and how to keep safe at home by ensuring they minimise any fire hazards.
In their Science lessons, the Year 6 children began with learning about light. They explored how light travels, how it enables us to see as well as the scientific concepts of refraction and reflection. Following on from this, they explored the ‘Theory of Evolution’ through their topic Evolution and Inheritance. During this topic the children learnt about natural selection, inheritance of genes within families and studied the work of famous scientists such as Charles Darwin and Mary Anning.
Not only this but the children also completed not one, but two DT projects! Linking with their history topic the children learnt about rationing and made some delicious Woolton Pies! Then, to end our busy term, they made moving Christmas shop windows. After learning about pulley mechanisms and using coding knowledge to programme lights and motors on Crumble kits, the children combined all of this knowledge to create fantastic Christmas themed window displays.
Spring Term 2023
To say our Spring Term was jam-packed would be an understatement! In Year 6, we have participated in a wide-range of special events such as: World Religions Day, our Fantastic Finish, Wellbeing Week, Safer Internet Day, a Gremlin Dance Workshop, Westfields Has Talent, World Book Day, our Year 6 Local Area Walk, Science Week, Poetry Slam and Potted Sports! It was brilliant to see the children immerse themselves so enthusiastically in such a wide-range of events. The details of some of these events are below!
In English, we have been delving into texts with different locations matching in with our overarching theme ‘Location, Location, Location’. We began by exploring Kensuke’s Kingdom and learnt about a boy who was stranded at sea on an island with a mysterious man, Kensuke. Developing our reporting skills, Year 6 wrote a conversation between Michael and Kensuke, a newspaper report based around the disappearance of a person in mysterious circumstances and a hybrid narrative about a disaster leading to an exploration of unknown lands. It was brilliant to see how creative the children where when selecting their language to create tension and atmosphere.
Following on from this, we travelled with Alex Winters as he ended up stranded in the Amazon with the Yanomami Tribe. Learning how to further develop the organisation of our writing, we created non-chronological reports about how to survive in the Amazon jungle! Once again, the children used their existing knowledge well to organise their ideas and communicate the information effectively.
Moving onto a completely different environment, Year 6 wrote persuasive letters to convince Ernest Shackleton to allow them to join his crew that were hoping to complete their mission in being the first team to cross Antarctica. However, after learning that his journey was full of peril and disaster, the children wrote letters of complaint about their treatment whilst on this dangerous journey!
Within our Maths learning this term, Year 6 have delved into calculating with and converting between fractions, decimals and percentages. We have worked hard to strengthen our arithmetic skills and strengthen our addition, subtraction, multiplication and division between fractions and decimals. Following on from this we explored problem solving with algebra and learnt how to find missing numbers that are represented with shapes or letters. We have also applied our knowledge of multiplication to support us in calculating with ratios, including using scale factors.
Bringing the spark into our Science learning, the children began the Spring term with a focus on electricity. We explored the different components of a circuit, the differences between voltage and current and even designed our own buzzer games using all of the knowledge we had gained about electricity. Next, we explored the human body, including our main organs and systems that keep us alive. We also focused on staying healthy and things that could harm our bodies such as having a poor diet, not exercising and the impact of drugs.
Continuing with our ‘Location, Location, Location’ unit, within Geography we have learnt about our local area of Yateley. We put this into context of the UK by exploring counties, cities, land use as well as transport links and natural resources. Then, we applied our knowledge of these features to explore Yateley and compared it to the nearby town of Camberley. During our learning, we visited Yateley High Street and mapped its features as well as completed surveys into what new and exciting features could be brought to Yateley to develop the town further.
Also, we enjoyed taking part in Science Week! Mrs Courtney gave use a number of tasks to help us investigate our local environment in school. The children chose a tree in our school grounds and investigated how old it could be, the types of tree it was, the wildlife that could live in and around the tree and to see if they could estimate how tall it was. We will revisit the tree in the Summer Term to see how it has changed! In addition to this, inspired by Isambard Kingdom-Brunel, we were also tasked with making the strongest bridge we could using paper and Sellotape – with varying results!
On top of all of this, we have enjoyed so many other events as part of our extended curriculum.
Another highlight was Well-being Week. During this week, we took some time to help understand what we could do to have a heathy well-being, including colouring, meditating, happy breathing, taking about our feelings, staying active and so much more! Part of this, was taking part in a workshop by Gremlin Dance! It is safe to say the children enjoyed it and learnt a few new moves.
Right at the beginning of the Spring Term, we also enjoyed inviting parents in to our ‘Fantastic Finish’ learning exhibition where the children could display all of their learning about our Autumn Term topic, World War II. It was truly amazing to see how much the children and parents enjoyed the activities in each classroom. I am sure the adults learnt a few new facts!
Autumn Term 2022
Year 6 started off their final year at Westfields with an incredibly busy Autumn Term. Our history topic of World War II meant we immersed ourselves into the 1940s Britain. Our jam-packed topic explored: the causes of the war, major events, living through the Blitz, propaganda, the role of women, Winston Churchill and most importantly how it impacted Yateley (which was our overarching history enquiry question).
To deeper the children’s learning we also went on a fabulous trip to the Winchester Military Museums where the children benefitted from the knowledge of the historians who work there. During the workshops the children learnt about medals, the contributions of the Gurkhas, military uniforms, the Home Front and effectively using historical sources.
Not only this, but the children also enjoyed a Creative Day with three different workshops. They enjoyed making promotional Home Front videos on iMovie, code-breaking and learning how to do dances like the Charleston. This all culminated with a tea dance in the afternoon.
As well as this, our English learning journeys also had a History theme. Throughout the term, the children explored a range of fiction and non-fiction texts in our writing and guided reading lessons. We have discovered what life was like for Lenny a young evacuee from ‘The Lion and the Unicorn’, we have explored the experiences of a group of evacuees in ‘Carrie’s war’, delved into the magical world of ‘Narnia’ and even written our own flashbacks based on a film narrative text.
We have been really impressed with the children’s development of their maths knowledge over the Autumn term too. They have strengthened their understanding of place value, as well as tackled challenges with the formal methods for the four operations including persevering with long multiplication and division! The children then used these skills to solve real-life problems involving fractions. The children showed fantastic commitment when getting to grips with applying their existing knowledge.
The Year 6 children have completed lots of physical challenges this term. Using our Sports Premium Funding, some of the children have further developed their swimming strokes during our weekly swimming lessons at Yateley School as well as improved their understanding of road safety on their Bikeability courses. The children have learnt a lot about staying safe whether that is in water or out on the roads. Also around the theme of keeping safe – the children enjoyed a workshop from Hampshire Fire Service. They learnt all about the fire triangle, how fires can spread and how to keep safe at home by ensuring they minimise any fire hazards.
In their Science lessons, the Year 6 children began with learning about light. They explored how light travels, how it enables us to see as well as the scientific concepts of refraction and reflection. Following on from this, they explored the ‘Theory of Evolution’ through their topic Evolution and Inheritance. During this topic the children learnt about natural selection, inheritance of genes within families and studied the work of famous scientists such as Charles Darwin and Mary Anning.
Not only this but the children also completed not one, but two DT projects! Linking with their history topic the children learnt about rationing and made some delicious Woolton Pies! Then, to end our busy term, they made moving Christmas shop windows! After learning about pulley mechanisms and using coding knowledge to programme lights and motors on Crumble kits, the children combined all of this knowledge to create fantastic Christmas themed window displays.
Spring Term 2022
The Spring term has been jam-packed with exciting learning journeys for Year 6. Within our topic ‘Location, Location, Location’ in Geography we have explored our local area and within our English units we have contrasted this with a variety of locations from around the world.
In English, we have been delving into texts with different locations matching in with our overarching theme ‘Location, Location, Location’. We began exploring Kensuke’s Kingdom and learnt about a boy who was stranded at sea on an island with a mysterious man, Kensuke. Developing our reporting skills, Year 6 wrote newspaper reports about his disappearance as well as narratives about meeting a stranger when shipwrecked.
Following on from this, we travelled with Alex Winters as he ended up stranded in the Amazon with the Yanomami Tribe. Learning how to further develop the organisation of our writing, we created non-chronological reports and then structured our own journey narratives.
Moving onto a completely different environment, Year 6 wrote persuasive letters to convince Ernest Shackleton to allow them to join his crew that were hoping to complete their mission in being the first team to cross Antarctica. However, after learning that his journey was full of peril and disaster, the children wrote letters of complaint about their treatment whilst on this dangerous journey!
Within our Maths learning this term, Year 6 have delved into calculating with and converting between fractions, decimals and percentages. We have worked hard to strengthen our arithmetic skills and strengthen our addition, subtraction, multiplication and division between fractions and decimals. Following on from this we explored problem solving with algebra and learnt how to find missing numbers that are represented with shapes or letters. We have also applied our knowledge of multiplication to support us in calculating with ratios, including using scale factors. Finally, Year 6 developed their understanding of reading and interpreting graphs.
Bringing the spark into our Science learning, the children began the Spring term with a focus on electricity. We explored the different components of a circuit, the differences between voltage and current and even designed our own buzzer games using all of the knowledge we had gained about electricity. Next, we explored the human body, including our main organs and systems that keep us alive. We also focused on staying healthy and things that could harm our bodies such as having a poor diet, not exercising and the impact of drugs.
Continuing with our ‘Location, Location, Location’ unit, within Geography we have learnt about our local area of Yateley. We put this into context of the UK by exploring counties, cities, land use as well as transport links and natural resources. Then, we applied our knowledge of these features to explore Yateley and compare it to the nearby town of Camberley. During our learning, we visited Yateley High Street and mapped its features as well as completed surveys into what new and exciting features could be brought to Yateley to develop the town further.
Within RE during the Spring term, Year 6 explored rituals and the empty cross as well as having a visit from the local church to help us further understand Christian’s beliefs around resurrection.
During our Computing lessons, we have learnt how to use a variety of applications and programmes to present information. We have created some fantastic mind maps to support our learning using technology as well as videos and quizzes all about self-regulation when it comes to screen time.
Another highlight this term was Well-being Week. During this week, we took some time to help understand what we could do to have a heathy well-being, including colouring, meditating, happy breathing, taking about our feelings, staying active and so much more!
During Stem Week, Year 6 explored the theme of growing as well as animals’ habitats. We managed to grow carrots from carrot tops as well as make penguins nests using only two fingers as our beaks – we certainly need a bit more practise at being a penguin!
Autumn Term 2021
During the Autumn Term, Year 6 have taken a tour back in time to explore what it was like to live during World War II. Their jam-packed history topic took them on a journey: beginning with the causes of the war, and learning about what is was like to live in London during the perilous Blitz, stopping to explore the role of women and how this changed during the war, and understanding what it was like to be an evacuee and finally examining the role of leaders and propaganda.
Alongside our fabulous History topic, the children have explored a range of fiction and non-fiction texts within their English learning journeys. We have discovered what life was like for Lenny a young evacuee from ‘The Lion and the Unicorn’, delved into the magical world of ‘Narnia’ and even written our own flashbacks based of a film narrative text.
To further develop the children’s understanding of life during WWII, Year 6 pupils enjoyed a Creative Day with a variety of workshops to learn about ration cooking, wartime music and clothing as well as experience their very own tea dance!
In November, the Year 6 children visited the Winchester Military Museums. During their visit, the explored many artefacts linked to World War II including uniforms, home front documents, weaponry and equipment to help survive the Blitz. The Year 6 children loved trying on the uniforms and immersing themselves further into what life would have been like during this time of conflict.
We have been really impressed with the children’s development of their maths knowledge over the Autumn term. They have strengthened their understanding of place value, as well as tackled challenges with the formal methods for the four operations including persevering with long multiplication and division!
The Year 6 children have also completed lots of physical challenges this term. They developed their swimming strokes during our weekly swimming lessons at Yateley School as well as improved their understanding of road safety on their Bikeability courses. The children have learnt a lot about staying safe whether that is in water or out on the roads.
Within Science, the Year 6 children began with learning about light. They explored how light travels, how it enables us to see as well as the scientific concepts of refraction and reflection. Following on from this, Year 6 explored the ‘Theory of Evolution’ through their topic Evolution and Inheritance. During this topic the children learnt about natural selection, inheritance of genes within families and studied the work of famous scientists such as Charles Darwin and Mary Anning.
To end our busy term, the Year 6 children worked together to complete their DT projects: moving Christmas shop windows! After learning about pulley mechanisms and using coding knowledge to programme lights and motors on Crumble kits, the children combined all of this knowledge to create fantastic Christmas themed window displays.
Poetry Slam 2021
For the following trips and events, further details will be communicated to parents in due course.
September 2023
01.09.23 Inset Day
04.09.23 Inset Day
05.09.23 First day of term
11.09.23 Whole School Reading Matters Week
11-15.09.23 Year 6 Bikeability
15.09.23 Big Federation Read
15.09.23 Year 6 Meet the Teacher Meeting (2.45pm)
18.09.23 First week of clubs
19.09.23 Frogmore Community College Taster Day
22.09.23 Firework Competition Deadline
26.09.23 Yateley School Taster Day
27.09.23 Blue Sky Thinking – opportunity to meet with Headteacher (8.45-9.30am, 2.30-3.15pm, 7.00pm)
27.09.23 PAWS Meeting (7.00pm)
27.09.23 Yateley School Open Evening
29.09.23 Christmas Card Designs home (with leaflet)
October 2023
03.10.23 Yateley School Open Morning
04.10.23 Yateley School Open Morning
06.10.23 Individual School Photographs (AM)
09.10.23 Flu Immunisations
11.10.23 WJS Open Morning – prospective Year 2 parents and children (9.00-11.00am)
11.10.23 Year 6 SATS Information Meeting for Parents
12.10.23 Christmas Card Design Deadline
17.10.23 Chit, Chat, Tea & Cake (8.45-9.45am)
17.10.23 Race For Life
18.10.23 Harvest Assembly
19.10.23 PAWS Film Night (3.15-5.00pm)
19.10.23 PAWS Mufti Day
19.10.23 PAWS Fundraising Pizza Making Kits to go home
20.10.23 Inset Day
23-27.10.23 Half Term
30.10.23 WJS Open Evening – prospective Year 2 parents and children (6.00-7.30pm)
November 2023
01.11.23 Year 6 WWII Creative Day
03.11.23 Race for Life (postponed)
04.11.23 WJS/Lions Yateley Fireworks Fiesta – volunteers required
06.11.23 UK Parliament Week
06.11.23 Year 6 Winchester Military Museum ( 1 & ½ Class)
07.11.23 Year 6 Winchester Military Museum (1 & ½ Class)
12.11.23 WJS attending Remembrance Parade
13-17.11.23 Anti-Bullying Week (Monday 13th Odd Sock Day)
17.11.23 Quiz Night at WJS (7.00pm)
20-25.11.23 Road Safety Week
21.11.23 Parents Evening (3.45-6.45pm)
23.11.23 Parents Evening (3.45-6.45pm)
24.11.23 Time to Shine (Non Uniform Road Safety Day)
24.11.23 6CH Radio Show
25.11.23 Yateley Christmas Market
30.11.23 Year 6 Musical Performance to Parents (2.45pm)
December 2023
01.12.23 PAWS Christmas Pop-up Shop
01.12.23 Year 6 Hampshire Fire & Rescue
08.12.23 Christmas Extravaganza (afterschool)
12.12.23 School Carol Concert at St Swithun’s Church (10.30-12.00 parents welcome)
12.12.23 School Disco (Year 3 & 4 5.00- 6.15pm/Year 5 & 6 6.30- 7.45pm)
14.12.23 Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Lunch
15.12.23 End of term (3.15pm finish)
January 2024
02.01.24 Inset Day
03.01.24 First day of term
04.01.24 Year 6 Fantastic Finish (2.30pm)
15.01.24 First Week of Clubs
22.01.24 World Religion Day
22-26.01.24 Westfields Has Talent Auditions (All Week)
February 2024
01.02.24 PAWS Film Night (afterschool)
05-09.02.24 Wellbeing Week
06.02.24 Safer Internet Day
07.02.24 Chit-Chat, Tea and Cake (8.45-9.45am)
07.02.24 Westfields Has Talent Showcase
12-16.02.24 Half Term
21.02.24 Multiply Maths Games Night (3.15-5.15pm)
22.02.24 Bags2Schoo Collection
26.02.24 Compute With Me Workshop (3.30-4.45pm)
March 2024
05.03.24 Parents Evening (3.45-6.45pm)
07.03.24 World Book Day
07.03.24 Parents Evening (3.45-6.45pm)
11-15.03.24 Science Week
11-15.03.24 Year 6 Residential to Condover Hall
15.03.24 Year 6 Return from Condover Hall Residential
21.03.24 Chocolate Bingo (4.00-5.30pm & 6.00-7.30pm)
26.03.24 Potted Sports Afternoon
27.03.24 Choir Performance to Parents
28.03.24 6ZN Radio Show
28.03.24 End of Term (3.15pm finish)
29-12.03.24 Easter Holidays
April 2024
15.04.24 First day of Term
19.04.24 World Earth Day
22.04.24 First week of clubs
22.04.24 Year 6 Local Area Walks
May 2024
02.05.24 Bags2School Collection
06.05.24 Bank Holiday
13.05.24 Year 6 SATs Week
17.05.24 Year 5 Fiver Challenge (afterschool – whole school welcome)
20-24.05.24 Walk to School Week
23.04.24 WISPA/PAWS Mufti Day
23.05.24 Chit-Chat, Tea & Cake (8.45-9.45am)
23.05.24 Colour Run (3.15-5.00pm) TBC
24.05.24 Inset Day
27-31.05.24 Half Term
June 2024
14.05.24 Whole School Poetry Slam
20.06.24 Class photographs and Year 6 Photograph
27.06.24 Year 6 Production (1.30 & 6.30pm)
28.06.24 WISPA/PAWS Mufti for Summer Fair
July 2024
01.07.24 New Entrants Welcome Evening
03.07.24 Celebration Evening (3.30-5.00pm – all welcome)
04.07.24 Year 6 Induction Day at YS/FCC
05.07.24 Sports Day
12.07.24 Reserve Sports Day
12.07.24 6HC Radio Show
16.07.24 School Disco (Year 3 & 4 5.00- 6.15pm/Year 5 & 6 6.30- 7.45pm)
22.07.24 Year 6 Leavers Assembly (10.00am)
22.07.24 Year 6 Leavers BBQ (3.15-5.30pm)
23.07.24 Last day of term
For the following trips and events, further details will be communicated to parents in due course.
06.09.21 First day of term
13.09.21 Whole School Reading Matters Week
14.09.21 Year 6 Frogmore Community College Taster Day & Evening
15.09.21 Year 6 Swimming Lessons (1.00-3.00pm – 6LL & 6LB)
16.09.21 Individual School Photographs (AM)
17.09.21 Year 6 Frogmore Community College Open Morning
20/21/22.09.21 Year 6 Frogmore Community College Open Morning
20.09.21 First week of clubs
22.09.21 Year 6 Swimming Lessons (1.00-3.00pm – 6HC & 6LL)
22.09.21 PAWS Welcome Meeting & AGM (7.00pm)
24.09.21 Year 6 Meet the Teacher Meeting (2.45pm)
29.09.21 Blue Sky Thinking – opportunity to meet with Headteacher (8.45-9.45am, 2.25-3.15pm, 6.30-7.30pm)
29.09.21 Year 6 Swimming Lessons (1.00-3.00pm – 6LB & 6HC)
30.09.21 Year 6 Open Evening at Yateley School (from 6.30pm)
October 2021
01.10.21 Christmas Card Designs home (with leaflet)
04-08.10.21 Walk to School Week
06.10.21 Year 6 Swimming Lessons (1.00-3.00pm – 6LL & 6LB)
12.10.21 PAWS Film Night (3.15-5.00pm) Postponed to Spring Term
13.10.21 Year 6 Swimming Lessons (1.00-3.00pm –6HC & 6LL)
13.10.21 Year 6 SATS Information for Parents available online
15.10.21 Christmas Card Order Deadline
18.10.21 Year 6 WWII Creative Day
20.10.21 Year 6 Swimming Lessons (1.00-3.00pm –6LB & 6HC)
20.10.21 WJS Open Evening – prospective Year 2 parents and children (6.00-7.30pm)
21.10.21 PAWS Mufti Day
21.10.21 PAWS Fundraising Pizza Making Kits to go home
22.10.21 Inset Day
November 2021
03 & 04.11.21 Year 6 @ Winchester Military Museum (across two days)
06.11.21 WJS/Lions Yateley Fireworks Fiesta – volunteers required
08-12.11.21 Year 6 Bikeability Training
10.11.21 PAWS Meeting (7.00pm)
11.11.21 Whole School Fun Run
14.11.21 WJS attending Remembrance Parade
15-19.11.21 Anti-Bullying Week (Monday 15th Odd Sock Day – commences week with ‘what makes us unique’)
15-19.11.21 Road Safety Week (Friday 19th Time to Shine)
19.11.21 English Parents Workshop available online
24.11.21 Parents Evening (3.45-6.45pm)
25.11.21 Parents Evening (3.45-6.45pm)
26.11.21 6HC Radio Show
27.11.21 Yateley Christmas Market
30.11.21 Whole School Flu Immunisations
December 2021
02.12.21 PAWS Christmas Pop-up Shop
03.12.21 Year 6 Schools Education Safety Unit – Hampshire Fire and Rescue
10.12.21 Christmas Extravaganza (afterschool)
14.12.21 School Carol Concert at St Swithun’s Church (10.30-12.00 parents welcome)
15.12.21 School Disco (Year 3 & 4 5.00- 6.15pm/Year 5 & 6 6.30- 7.45pm) – postponed
16.12.21 Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Lunch
17.12.21 End of term (1.15pm finish)
January 2022
04.01.22 Inset Day
05.01.22 First day of term
14.01.22 World Religion Day
28.01.22 6LB Radio Show
31.01.22 Year 6 Westfields Has Talent Auditions (lunchtime)
February 2022
03.02.22 PAWS Film Night (afterschool) postponed
07.02.22 Year 6 National Child Measurement Programme
08.02.22 Safer Internet Day
11.02.22 Westfields Has Talent Showcase
18.02.22 PAWS Mufti Day & Pizza and Cookie Fundraising Event
March 2022
02.03.22 Parents Evening (3.45-6.45pm)
03.03.22 World Book Day
03.03.22 Parents Evening (3.45-6.45pm)
7, Year 6 Local Area Walk (one class each day)
14-18.03.22 Science Week
25.03.22 Whole School Poetry Slam (World Poetry Day – 21st March)
25.03.22 PAWS Quiz Night
April 2022
05.04.22 Potted Sports Afternoon
06.04.22 School Disco (Year 3 & 4 5.00- 6.15pm/Year 5 & 6 6.30- 7.45pm)
08.04.22 Easter Raffle and Last Day of Spring Term (1.15pm finish)
25.04.22 First day of term
27.04.22 PAWS Meeting (7.00pm)
May 2022
02.05.22 Bank Holiday
09.05.22 Year 6 SATS Week (to be confirmed)
13.05.22 Year 5 Fiver Challenge (afterschool – whole school welcome)
24.05.22 PAWS Film Night (afterschool)
25.05.22 The Great Debate Event
26.05.22 Westfields Jubilee Celebration Day/PAWS Mufti Day (Dress to Impress for a party fit for the Queen!)
27.05.22 Inset Day
June 2022
06-10.06.22 Year 6 Croft Farm Residential
14.06.22 Class photographs and Year 6 Photograph
24.06.22 6LL Radio Show
30.06.22 Year 6 Production at Yateley School (date to be confirmed with YS)
July 2022
05.07.22 Sports Day
06.07.22 Celebration Evening (3.30-5.00pm – all welcome)
12.07.22 Reserve Sports Day
20.07.22 Year 6 Leavers Assembly (10.00am)
20.07.22 Year 6 Leavers BBQ (afternoon/afterschool)
21.07.22 Last day of term
For the following trips and events, further details will be communicated to parents in due course.
September 2022
01.09.22 Inset Day
02.09.22 Inset Day
05.09.22 First day of term
12.09.22 Whole School Reading Matters Week
12.09.22 Year 6 Bikeability
15.09.22 Individual School Photographs (AM)
19.09.22 First week of clubs
20.09.22 Year 6 Activity Day at Frogmore Community College
21.09.22 PAWS Welcome Meeting & AGM (7.00pm)
23.09.22 Firework Competition Deadline
26.09.22, Year 6 Frogmore Community College Open Mornings
27.09.22 Blue Sky Thinking – opportunity to meet with Headteacher (8.45-9.45am, 2.15-3.15pm, 6.30-7.30pm)
29.09.22 Yateley School Open Evening
30.09.22 Christmas Card Designs home (with leaflet)
October 2022
04.10.22, Year 6 Open Mornings at Yateley School
11.10.22 WJS Open Morning – prospective Year 2 parents and children (9.00-11.30am)
12.10.22 Year 6 SATS Information Meeting for Parents
14.10.22 Christmas Card Design Deadline
18.10.22 Year 6 WWII Creative Day
20.10.22 PAWS Film Night (3.15-5.00pm)
20.10.22 PAWS Mufti Day
20.10.22 PAWS Fundraising Pizza Making Kits to go home
21.10.22 Inset Day
November 2022
01.11.22 WJS Open Morning – prospective Year 2 parents and children (6.00-7.30pm)
02.11.22 6JF & 1/2 6CH to Winchester Military Museum
03.11.22 Race for Life (postponed)
04.11.22 PAWS Bags2School Collection
05.11.22 WJS/Lions Yateley Fireworks Fiesta – volunteers required
08.11.22 English Parent Workshop (6.30-7.30pm)
09.11.22 PAWS Meeting (7.00pm)
13.11.22 WJS attending Remembrance Parade
15-19.11.22 Anti-Bullying Week (Monday 14th Odd Sock Day – commences week with ‘what makes us unique’)
15-19.11.22 Road Safety Week (Friday 18th Time to Shine)
18.11.22 PAWS Quiz Night at WJS
23.11.22 Parents Evening (3.45-6.45pm)
24.11.22 Parents Evening (3.45-6.45pm)
25.11.22 Whole School Flu Immunisation
26.11.22 Yateley Christmas Market
December 2022
01.12.22 PAWS Christmas Pop-up Shop
02.12.22 Year 6 Schools Education Safety Unit
02.12.22 6JF Radio Show
06.12.22 Year 6 Height + Weight Check
09.12.22 Christmas Extravaganza (afterschool)
13.12.22 School Carol Concert at St Swithun’s Church (10.30-12.00 parents welcome)
14.12.22 School Disco (Year 3 & 4 5.00- 6.15pm/Year 5 & 6 6.30- 7.45pm)
15.12.22 Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Lunch
15.12.22 End of term (3.15pm finish)
January 2023
03.01.23 Inset Day
04.01.23 First day of term
16.01.23 World Religion Day
17.01.23 Year 6 Fantastic Finish Learning Exhibitions
19.01.23 Maths Parent Workshop (6.30-7.30pm)
23-27.01.23 Westfields Has Talent Auditions Week (lunchtime)
25.01.23 PAWS Meeting (7.00pm)
February 2023
02.02.23 PAWS Film Night (afterschool)
06-10.02.23 Wellbeing Week
08.02.23 Safer Internet Day
10.02.23 Westfields Has Talent Showcase
13-17.02.23 Half Term
24.02.23 PAWS Bags2School Collection
28.02.23 Parents Evening (3.45-6.45pm)
March 2023
01.03.23 Parents Evening (3.45-6.45pm)
03.03.22 World Book Day
06-08.03.23 Year 6 Local Area Walk
13-17.03.23 Science Week
17.03.23 Mufti Day – Red Nose Day
17.03.23 6CH Radio Show
24.03.23 Whole School Poetry Slam
28.03.23 Potted Sports Afternoon
31.03.23 Last Day of Term (3.15pm finish)
April 2023
17.04.23 First day of Term
19.04.23 PAWS Meeting (7.00pm)
21.04.23 World Earth Day
May 2023
01.05.23 Bank Holiday
08.05.23 Year 6 SATs Week
19.05.23 Year 5 Fiver Challenge (afterschool – whole school welcome)
22-26.05.23 Walk to School Week
25.05.23 PAWS Film Night (afterschool)
26.05.23 Inset Day
29-02.06.23 Half Term
June 2023
09.06.23 PAWS Bags2School Collection
08.06.23 Class photographs and Year 6 Photograph
12.06.23 Think Safe Workshop
13.06.23 PAWS Meeting (7.00pm)
16.06.23 Pay It Forward Day
14.06.23 Year 6 Production at Yateley School
19-23.06.23 Year 6 Croft Farm Residential
July 2023
03.07.23 New Entrants Welcome Evening
05.07.23 Celebration Evening (3.30-5.00pm – all welcome)
07.07.23 Sports Day
11.07.23 District Sports
14.07.23 Reserve Sports Day
14.07.23 6HC Radio Show
18.07.23 School Disco (Year 3 & 4 5.00- 6.15pm/Year 5 & 6 6.30- 7.45pm)
20.07.23 Year 6 Leavers Assembly
20.07.23 Year 6 Leavers BBQ
21.07.22 Last day of term
Whole school letters and newsletters can be found under the Parents tab (link to whole school letters)
Year 6 Letters 2024-2025
Year 6 Letters 2023-2024
Year 6 Letters 2022-2023
Year 6 Letters 2021-2022
Year 6 Letters 2020-2021
- Y6 Production - Photo orders - June 2024
- Year 6 Production - Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies - June 2024
- Loacal Area Walk - April 2024
- World Earth Day - April 2024
- Condover Hall - March 2024
- Year 6 WWII Creative Day - November 2023
- Winchester Military Museum - November 2023
- Bikeability - September 2023
- Production Photos - June 2023
- Local Area Walk 2023
- Croft Farm Residential - June 2023
- World Book Day - March 2023
- Winchester Military Museum - November 2022
- Bikeability - September 2022
- WWII Creative Day - October 2022
- Fantastic Finish - January 2023
- Year 6 Residential - Croft Farm 2022
- Y6 Fruit Tarts
- World Book Day 2022
- Year 6 Leavers BBQ
- Celebration Photos
- Year 6 World War II Creative Day 2020
- World War II Creative Day - October 2021
- Celebration Assemblies 2018-2019
- Chinese Visitors
- Year 6 Production - Star Warts - The Umpire Strikes Back
- Winchester Military Museum 2019
- Pirates of the Curry Bean
- Mill Rythe 2019
- Sports Day 2021
- World War II Creative Day 2019
- 13.06.19
- 13.05.19
- 07.05.19
- 30.04.19
- 30.04.19
- 23.04.19
- 25.03.19
- 25.03.19
- 18.03.19
- 18.03.19
- 11.03.19
- 10.01.19
- 11.12.18
- 04.12.18
- 27.11.18
- 20.11.18
- 13.11.18
- 31.10.18
- 31.10.18
- 31.10.18
- 15.10.18
- 08.10.18
- 01.10.18
- 18.09.18
- Junior Road Safety Officers
- 10.09.18