On Tuesday, Westfields hosted a Year 6 boys football match against Hook Junior School. After a focused and energetic warm up, the team gathered around me for a team talk ahead of kick-off. The match began with a very frantic pace with both teams pressing the team in possession high up the pitch. Within the first few minutes, both teams had chances to score and the goalkeepers were called upon to make vital saves. Just before half-time, Hook managed to get the opening goal with a rebounded effort that hit the back of the net. Westfields showed great courage and resilience in the second half to create several chances, including hitting the post and the crossbar, but with the aid of fantastic goalkeeping and fortune Hook were able to not only keep a clean sheet but add another goal to their tally. The game ended at 2-0 with both teams, although exhausted from their efforts, cheering the opposing players for a great fair game.
Mr Frame
PE co-ordinator