On Thursday of this week, our Year 4 children experienced what life was like in Ancient Greece with a whistle-stop tour of Greek culture; from food tasting to theatrical performances, their Creative Day covered many aspects of Greek life. The day began with food tasting some traditional cuisine such as tzatziki, pita bread and fig rolls. Letting their
creative side shine, the children then designed Greek pottery based on heroes and mosaic patterns.
Comparing Greek life to our own, Year 4 explored the origins of our alphabet and wrote their names in Greek which
they displayed on traditional laurel wreath head bands. To delve deeper into Greek life, the children rehearsed and performed the famous playscript of Pandora’s Box. They also learnt about the history of the Olympics and celebrated this by making their very own Olympic torch.
It was certainly an action-packed day with so many fantastic learning opportunities linked to our historical learning.
Year 4 Team