On Tuesday , twelve Year 3 and 4 children were invited to compete in an Inter-School Indoor Athletics Competition at Calthorpe Park School. The competition was split into two categories: running and field events. The children performed admirably in the field events, which included javelin, beanbag target, chest push, long jump, triple jump and speed bounce during which they all showed great determination. A special congratulations to Austin and Noah , who won the boys long jump and boys speed bounce respectively. When it came to the sprint events, all the children showed teamwork and resilience in events which were tough and not direct sprints. The sprint involved running from one end of the hall to the other and back, turning by pushing oneself of a bounce board which they had not experienced before. The children responded brilliantly to this challenge! Each event was a close affair with many races being won by a step or two. Every member of the team should be immensely proud of how they performed in each of their events. Congratulations to Georgie and Esme , who won their sprint races. Working so hard as a team, the children achieved 2nd place overall which is a fantastic result, particularly ahead of the District Sports event next month! 

We hope you are as proud of yourselves as we are, what super WJS Ambassadors