My personal highlight of the week which has to be the very first Westfields Has Talent Competition. Earlier in the week during lunchtime, myself, Miss Barrand and Mr Medwell had the pleasure of watching no less than 85 auditions from children across the school. We were dazzled by the range of talents and very impressed with the children’s confidence which was wonderful to see. Unfortunately, we then had to complete the less enviable task of selecting finalists. Then this afternoon, we held our very first ‘showcase’, the children were all fantastic and our acts performed a wide range of talents from magic to singing, dancing to playing musical instruments and even hula hooping! Our School Councillors from each class were asked to be the judges alongside the staff and their score sheets will be collated and the winner announced next week. For me though, every single child who auditioned is a winner (and I told them so!); it is such a privilege to be the headteacher of a school where children are developing the confidence and drive to share their talents – well done to each and every one of you!