This week, we have been celebrating a love of reading during our annual Reading Matters event! Throughout the week, the children have taken part in a variety of activities to promote reading for pleasure as well as helping them learn about good reading habits. Following an introductory assembly, our celebrations began with the children getting to know their new class libraries through an exciting ‘Speed Browsing’ activity. Each child also considered their own reading habits by creating a ‘Reading River’ which displays texts they have read and enjoyed; we will be sharing some of these shortly on our website! Following on from this, the children explored our ePlatform which allows them to read and listen to a huge variety of books online at the click of a button. The children also had the opportunity to visit our brand new (and very exciting!) reading area, Betty’s Book Nook, which can be found on our back playground. We are looking forward to the children using this area to read and share stories during playtimes. As part of Reading Matters Week each of our classes also had a library session with our wonderful school librarian, Mrs Colyer, who provided a wealth of information about using the library as well as sharing some amazing reading recommendations. To finish our
celebrations, all children took part in the ’Big Read’ this afternoon and spent time enjoying a love of books which is such an important life skill and the key to other learning.
Mrs Long, English Co-ordinator