What an event it has been! Throughout Reading Matters Week, the children have been immersed in a variety of Olympic-themed reading activities to help them ‘Go for Gold’ and celebrate a love of reading. From sharing their medal-worthy favourite book characters to celebrating books by passing on recommendations on Olympic torches, lots of fun has been had to mark this important week. All pupils have taken so much pride in displaying their favourite stories onto podiums and illustrating their book heroes. We look forward to sharing examples on our website soon.
Each class has also had a secret challenge to complete this week where they take a photograph presenting different and interesting ways you can read which has proved to be lots of fun and we look forward to sharing the results!
Also, we must mention our Big Federation Readathon held today which was a huge success in modelling reading and sharing stories across both our infant and junior schools. It has been a successful week
and all of the children have demonstrated the importance of training to help us in ‘Going for Gold’ in developing our reading skills.
Mrs Long, Assistant Headteacher and Reading Co-ordinator