Parent Teacher Liaison
We highly value the opportunity to establish strong, effective partnerships between parents and our school as we believe it is invaluable to the experience and progress of our children. To support this, we provide a variety of opportunities for parents to engage actively with the school in relation to their child’s learning and wellbeing.
Firstly and perhaps most importantly we have an open door policy and encourage parents to approach the school with any comments, suggestions, questions or concerns. We would encourage parents to contact the relevant member of staff as soon as possible so queries can be resolved quickly; and we will always make an appointment for you to meet with the most appropriate member of staff.
At the start of each new school year all parents are invited to a ‘Meet the Teacher’ session to locate their new classroom and touch base with their child’s teacher. The aim of this is to introduce the year group team, give an overview of the year’s highlights, share the curriculum and give reminders about home learning and timetables etc. Year group teams provide a letter and topic web to keep parents informed at the start of each term.
The Headteacher also invites all parents to join her for an informal coffee morning “Blue Sky Thinking” during September; the aim of these drop-in sessions is to reflect upon the successes of the previous year and make suggestions for further improvements to any aspect of school life.
Each term, there are parent teacher meetings arranged to give you the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress, strengths and areas for development as well as their engagement in school life. Parents of children with special needs are also offered a meeting with our SENCo to discuss their child’s needs and additional provision and support at these Parents’ Evenings.
In addition to these, every half term parents are sent Attainment Trackers with individual key targets to keep parents up to date and provide suggestions for ways to support their child’s learning. Each term there are opportunities to attend workshops (face-to-face and virtual) in order to support parents in helping their child at home. These usually focus on key skills as well as well-being and safety.
We look forward to working in partnership with you.
Telephone: 01252 408218