Our hall was brimming with excitement on Tuesday as we had a Team GB athlete visit our school! Aidan Syers, who is one of the fastest 100m sprinters in the country, was made very welcome in our school by all the pupils and staff alike. Years 4 and 6 were very fortunate to have PE sessions led by a Aidan whose work includes coaching elite sportspeople with
speed and conditioning. The feedback from these sessions was overwhelmingly positive and many who attended managed to get his autograph! During assembly time, Aidan explained how
he became a professional sportsperson and answered countless questions by our enthused pupils: ranging from what he has for breakfast to his fastest competitor and how he has achieved so much. The whole day was truly inspirational and we hope our children will remember his wise words relating to resilience and determination to achieve anything you set your mind to!
Mr Frame, PE Co-ordinator