Year 5

Curriculum Overview


Year 5 Curriculum Overview (download link)

Meet the Teacher

Meet the Staff

Mr D Chaplin

Team Leader

Mrs R Thomas
Miss L Stevens

Termly News

Please click on the links below to access the latest newsletter and topic web.

Autumn Term 2024

Wow, what an amazing start to the year we have had in Year 5! Everyone has quickly settled in and hit the ground running, working hard on our year group curriculum. Of course, we have enjoyed many other exciting special events too. 5DC performed a great Space Assembly to parents whilst 5RT produced a superb Radio Show to share their learning about Space. Capping it all off we also had a fantastic trip to the Winchester Science Centre where our knowledge of the Universe expanded to beyond Earth levels!

English Highlights

In our writing lessons we have looked at the genres of poetry based on the Iron Man, recounts in the form of the Moon Landing including hot seating activities as Neil Armstrong, writing sci-fi settings and non-chronological reports about alien life on the Moon of Pandora from the Avatar film franchise. Our guided reading lessons have looked at Space Explorers, a Daredevils Guide to Space and the classic science-fiction tale The War of the Worlds. All of which has been greatly enjoyed across our three classes.

Maths highlights

In our Maths lessons we have consolidated and extended our understanding of place value, addition and subtraction written methods, multiples, factors, square numbers and prime numbers. Following on from this we have extended our understanding of fractions, focusing on finding equivalent fractions with the same denominators, comparing and ordering fractions and finally adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators.   

Science and Foundation Highlights

Year 5 have had a fantastic term learning all about the Earth in Space. Our areas of study have explored why we have seasons, the order of the planets (and many planetary facts), why we have day and night and how the Moon seems to change it’s a shape. Our Geography lessons focused on where in the world we are by looking at compass points, hemispheres and lines of longitude and latitude to plot our positions. Our second unit focused on renewable energy and ensuring that we have enough for everyone – the year group focusing on sustainability for the future which really inspired many of our citizens of tomorrow. Our exciting DT topic of upcycling t-shirts into space themed cushions took us up to Christmas and after completing focused practical tasks to develop our skills we thoroughly enjoyed designing, making and finally evaluating our quality upcycled tie-dye products.

It has also been a term of festive fun with Year 5 children narrating the Westfields Carol Service at St Swithun’s Church. We also had many Year 5 choir members singing at the Yateley Christmas Market, a rather chilly but fantastic opportunity to sing in front of the local community as well as accompany Mr Chaplin and Mrs Cannon to sing as part of the School Choir at the Anchor Care Home to spread a little festive cheer. Not to forget our Christmas Extravaganza during which we sold our handmade decorations which gave us the opportunity to practice our entrepreneurial skills.


Summer Term 2024

Looking back on the summer term, it is amazing how much we have fitted in! We started the summer term with our fantastic Finish learning exhibition which showcased our learning about the Anglo-Saxon and Viking Age to parents. Next up was the amazing Year 5 Fiver Challenge business fair. After lots of preparation, our entrepreneurs sold their wares, advertised their exciting experiences and stalls and they made a whopping £950 in 2 hours! We also crammed in 5DC’s class assembly (with singing in Spanish) and 5LR’s radio show which were both about the fantastic country of Mexico. Finally, who could forget our trip to the British Wildlife Centre where we encountered many native species of animals that inhabit the UK, including baby badgers?

English Highlights

This term’s writing showcased our pupils’ persuasive personalities with an advert to go and visit Mexico. We used all of Mexico’s glorious features to entice our readers into a Mexican holiday- culminating in a green screen advert. Our second writing journey was a story narrative based on a short animation ‘Día De Los Muertos- the Day of the Dead’. We used the film as a basis to write our own finding story where our character was whisked away to a magical land. Our final piece was a balanced argument focusing on deforestation with the question: Should we cut down rainforests? After reading our discussion text, you decide!

Our guided reading lessons focused on ‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell. Using a copy of the book each, we explored the characters, plot and predicted what would happen to the children stranded in the Amazon rainforest. We continued the book as a class reader to see if we were correct. Afterwards, we read rainforest themed poetry and evaluated language and meaning. We also explored a story about the infamous Lobo: a wolf who troubled the settlers of New Mexico in The Wolves of Currumpaw.

Maths Highlights

Our maths learning started with a topic on position and direction where we explored compass points, turns around a point in angles and coordinates on a grid. Shapes were explored, finding lines of symmetry and translating them from one position to another. Adding and subtracting decimals came next with a focus on money and measurements. Negative numbers allowed us to find number smaller than 0. Our final topic was measures where we converted form imperial to metric, various metric forms and looked at the concept of volumes of a shape.

Science and foundation highlights.

Our science topic of living things and lifecycles allowed us to understand that the life of all animal types differ vastly. From mammal life cycles, to the metamorphic cycles of butterflies and amphibians, we were in awe of the wonders of nature. The term also started off with our Geography unit- a North America study. We examined the physical and human geographical features and decided how Mexico City and Yateley were different and which place was the better to live in. The history topic of the Maya kicked off the second half of the term. Continuing our Mexico study, we explored the Ancient Maya and the wondrous cities located in the jungles of Mexico, Guatemala and Belize. Despite using all the evidence available to us, we could not agree on our key question- what happened to the Maya and why did they disappear? Using resistant materials in our Design Technology lessons allowed us to develop our skills in cutting, drilling and fixing wood. We all learned a valuable skill- measure twice and cut once.

Spring Term 2024

What a packed term spring has turned out to be. During the term, Year 5 have travelled back in time to learn about life in the Anglo-Saxon and Viking Era of British History. Life was hard back then and our study of Viking Britain showed how children lived a very different life to our lives today. Our key question for the topic was “Who were the better warriors – Anglo-Saxons or Vikings?” This proved difficult to answer as the two peoples defeated each other in different ways. We culminated our learning with our Creative Day – dressing up as Saxons and Vikings to create Sutton Hoo inspired jewellery, helmets, runes and an Anglo-Saxon court room role play – definitely a day to remember!


English highlights:
Our English topics this term have enhanced our understanding of this time period too with a study of: Macbeth who fought the Norwegians; the mighty Beowulf (an Anglo-Saxon monster slayer) and the trickster God Loki whose shape changing tricks led to many a tale! Our main writing tasks were a trickster tale based on Loki, a letter from the fiendish Scottish king, Macbeth and a newspaper report on the devastating attacks by the Grendel. We have linked our reading to the Vikings with Viking Boy, Norse Myths and Legends, How to train your Dragon and more. We have studied Viking non-fiction to deepen our understanding of the history topic.


Maths highlights:
In Maths we have focussed much of our learning on fractions (we don’t do things by halves in Year 5!) with decimal and percentage equivalents. We hope that our learning has secured our knowledge of fractions, equivalents and parts of wholes. We have explored multiplication and division formal methods and used them to find answers to problems and reason about them.

Foundation subject highlights
In Science our learning has focused on materials and their properties, changes of states and reversible or irreversible changes. Many practical investigations and experiments were performed this term and Year 5 have become investigative scientists suing our science skills to compare, classify and group materials.  During Science Week we buddied up with the Infant’s Reception Classes and went on a colour scavenger hunt around the grounds.


Another highlight was completing our design technology topic ‘The Great Bread Bake Off’ by investigating the different types of breads around the world and finding out how bread is manufactured. We then designed, made and baked delicious bread rolls, stored them in bespoke packaging and evaluated our efforts – a great process and experience for us all!
In PE we used Yateley Schools Pool to practice swimming- an essential life skill.
And of course, a lucky band of singers travelled to the O2 in London for a full-blown concert, returning to school in the late hours. A fun packed and busy term.


Autumn 2023

Wow, what an amazing start to the year we have had in Year 5! Everyone has quickly settled in and hit the ground running, working hard on our year group curriculum. Of course, we have enjoyed many other exciting special events too. 5HC performed a great Space Assembly to parents whilst 5DC produced a superb radio show to share their learning. Capping it all off we also had a fantastic trip to the Winchester Science Centre where our knowledge of the Universe expanded!

In our writing lessons we have looked at the genres of poetry based on the Iron Man, recounts in the form of the Moon Landing including hot seating activities as Neil Armstrong, writing sci-fi settings and non-chronological reports about alien life on the Moon of Pandora from the Avatar film franchise. Our guided reading lessons have looked at How to train as an astronaut, George’s Secret Key to the Universe and a long study of The War of the Worlds; a great mix of non-fiction and classic texts.

In our Maths lessons we have consolidated and extended our understanding of place value, addition and subtraction written methods, multiples, factors, square numbers and prime numbers. Following on from this we extended our understanding of fractions, focusing on finding equivalent fractions with the same denominators, comparing and ordering fractions and finally adding and subtracting fractions.                                                                    

Year 5 have had a fantastic term learning all about the Earth in Space. Our areas of study have explored why we have seasons, the order of the planets (and many planetary facts), why we have day and night and how the Moon seems to change it’s a shape. Our geography lessons focused on where in the world we are by looking at compass points, hemispheres and lines of longitude and latitude to plot our positions. Our second unit focused on renewable energy and ensuring that we have enough for everyone – the year group focusing on sustainability for the future.

Our exciting DT topic of Space cushions took us up to Christmas and after completing focused practical tasks to develop our skills we thoroughly enjoyed designing, making and finally evaluating our upcycled tie-dye products.

It has also been a term of festive fun with Year 5 children narrating the Westfields Carol Service at St Swithun’s Church. We also had many Year 5 choir members singing at the Yateley Christmas Market, a rather chilly but fantastic opportunity to sing in front of the local community. Not to forget our Christmas Extravaganza during which we sold our handmade decorations which gave us the opportunity to practice our entrepreneurial skills.

Spring Term 2023

What a packed term spring has turned out to be. During the term, Year 5 have travelled back in time to learn about life in the Anglo-Saxon and Viking Era of British History. Life was hard back then and our study of Viking Britain showed how children lived a very different life to our lives today. Our key question for the topic was “Who were the better warriors – Anglo-Saxons or Vikings?” This proved difficult to answer as the two peoples defeated each other in different ways. We culminated our learning with our Creative Day – dressing up as Saxons and Vikings to create Sutton Hoo inspired jewellery, helmets, runes and sagas – definitely a day to remember!

Our English topics this term have enhanced our understanding of this time period too with a study of: Macbeth who fought the Norwegians; the mighty Beowulf (an Anglo-Saxon monster slayer) and the trickster God Loki whose shape changing tricks led to many a tale! We have linked our reading to the Vikings with Viking Boy, Myths and Legends, How to train your Dragon and more.

In Maths we have focussed much of our learning on fractions (we don’t do things by halves in Year 5!) with decimal and percentage equivalents. We hope that our learning has secured our knowledge of fractions, equivalents and parts of wholes. We have explored multiplication and division formal methods and used them to find answers to problems and reason about them.

In Science our learning has focused on materials and their properties, changes of states and reversible or irreversible changes. Many practical investigations and experiments were performed this term and Year 5 have become investigative scientists.

Another highlight was completing our design technology topic ‘The Great Bread Bake Off’ by investigating the different types of breads around the world and finding out how bread is manufactured. We then designed, made and baked delicious bread rolls, stored them in bespoke packaging and evaluated our efforts – a great process and experience for us all!

In PE we used Yateley Schools Pool to practice swimming- an essential life skill.

And of course, a luck band of singers travelled to the O2 in London for a full-blown concert, returning to school in the late hours.

A fun packed and busy term.

Autumn Term 2022

Wow, what an amazing start to the year we have had in Year 5! Everyone has quickly settled in and hit the ground running, working hard on our year group curriculum. Of course, we have enjoyed many other exciting special events too. 5DC performed a great Space Assembly to parents whilst 5RP produced a superb radio show to share their learning with the highlight being I’m an Astronaut Get Me Out Of Here! Capping it all off we also had a fantastic trip to the Winchester Science Centre where our knowledge of the Universe expanded!


In our writing lessons we have looked at the genres of poetry based on the Iron Man, recounts in the form of the Moon Landing including hot seating activities as Neil Armstrong, writing sci-fi settings and non-chronological reports about alien life, alien sighting descriptions and eyewitness reports. Our guided reading lessons have looked at How to train as an astronaut, George’s Secret Key to the Universe and The War of the Worlds; a great mix of non-fiction and classic texts.

In our Maths lessons we have consolidated and extended our understanding of place value, addition and subtraction written methods, multiples, factors, square numbers and prime numbers. Following on from this we extended our understanding of fractions, focusing on finding equivalent fractions with the same denominators, comparing and ordering fractions and finally adding and subtracting fractions.


Our overarching Autumn Term topic was, “Space, the Final Frontier”.  Year 5 have had a fantastic term learning all about Earth in Space. Our areas of study have explored why we have seasons, the order of the planets (and many planetary facts), why we have day and night and how the Moon seems to change it’s a shape. Our geography lessons focused on where in the world we are by looking at compass points, hemispheres and lines of longitude and latitude to plot our positions. Our second unit focused on renewable energy and ensuring that we have enough for everyone – the year group focusing on sustainability for the future.

Our exciting DT topic of Space cushions took us up to Christmas and after completing focused practical tasks to develop our skills we thoroughly enjoyed designing, making and finally evaluating our upcycled tie-dye products.

It has also been a term of festive fun with Year 5 children narrating the Westfields Carol Service at St Swithun’s Church. We also had many Year 5 choir members singing at the Yateley Christmas Market, a rather chilly but fantastic opportunity to sing in front of the local community. Not to forget our Christmas Extravaganza during which we sold our handmade decorations which gave us the opportunity to practice our entrepreneurial skills.


Spring Term 2022

Spring Term 2022

What a packed term spring has turned out to be. During a rather windy term, Year 5 have travelled into the past to learn about life in the Anglo-Saxon and Viking Era of British History. Life was hard back then and our study of Viking Britain showed how children lived a very different life to our lives today. Our key question for the topic was “Who were the better warriors – Anglo-Saxons or Vikings?” This proved difficult to answer as the two peoples defeated each other in different ways. We culminated our learning with our Creative Day – dressing up as Saxons and Vikings to create jewellery, helmets, runes and sagas – definitely a day to remember!

Our English topics this term have enhanced our understanding of this time period too with a study of: Macbeth who fought the Norwegians; the mighty Beowulf (an Anglo-Saxon monster slayer) and the trickster God Loki whose shape changing led to many a tale! We have also looked at fantasy texts with and extended guided reading unit on The Hobbit and writing based on The Weirdstone of Brisingaman.

In Maths we have focussed much of our learning on fractions (we don’t do things by halves in Year 5!) with decimal and percentage equivalents. We hope that our learning has secured our knowledge of fractions, equivalents and parts of wholes.

In Science our learning has focused on materials and their properties, changes of states and reversible or irreversible changes. Many investigations and experiments were performed this term and Year 5 have become investigative scientists. We also had a fantastic STEM Week based on growing where we discovered worms or built penguin nests just like a gentoo does.

Another highlight was completing our design technology topic ‘The Great Bread Bake Off’ by investigating the different types of breads around the world and finding out how bread is manufactured. We then designed, made and baked delicious bread rolls, stored them in bespoke packaging and evaluated our efforts – a great process and experience for us all!

Autumn Term 2021

Our Autumn Term topic was, “Space, the Final Frontier”.  Year 5 have had a fantastic term learning all about Earth in Space. Our areas of study have explored why we have seasons, the order of the planets (and many planetary facts), why we have day and night and how the Moon seems to change it’s a shape. Capping it off with a fantastic trip to the Winchester Science Centre, our knowledge of the Universe has expanded.

In writing we have looked at the genres of poetry based on the Iron Man, recounts in the form of the Moon Landing, sci-fi settings to produce a non-chronological report on alien life, bigfoot sighting descriptions and eyewitness reports. Our guided reading lessons have looked at How to Train as an Astronaut, Journey to the Centre of the Earth and The War of the Worlds; a great mix of non-fiction and classic texts.

In our Maths lessons we have consolidated and extended our understanding of place value, addition and subtraction written methods, multiples, factors, square numbers and prime numbers.

Our Geography lessons focused on where in the world we are by looking at compass points, hemispheres and lines of longitude and latitude to plot our positions. Our second unit focused on renewable energy and ensuring that we have enough for everyone.

Our exciting DT topic of Space cushions took us up to Christmas and after completing focused practical tasks to develop our skills we thoroughly enjoyed designing, making and finally evaluating our upcycled tie-dye products.

Poetry Slam 2021


Year 5 Calendar


For the following trips and events, further details will be communicated to parents in due course.

September 2023

01.09.23               Inset Day

04.09.23               Inset Day

05.09.23               First day of term

11.09.23               Whole School Reading Matters Week

14.09.23               Year 5 Meet the Teacher Meeting (2.45pm)

15.09.23               Big Federation Read

18.09.23               First week of clubs

22.09.23               Firework Competition Deadline

27.09.23               Blue Sky Thinking – opportunity to meet with Headteacher (8.45-9.30am, 2.30-3.15pm, 7.00pm)

27.09.23               PAWS Meeting (7.00pm)

29.09.23               Christmas Card Designs home (with leaflet)

October 2023       

06.10.23               Individual School Photographs (AM)

09.10.23               Flu Immunisations

11.10.23               WJS Open Morning – prospective Year 2 parents and children (9.00-11.00am)

12.10.23               Christmas Card Design Deadline

13.11.23               5HB Class Assembly (refreshments from 9.40am)

17.10.23               Chit, Chat, Tea & Cake (8.45-9.45am)

17.10.23               Race For Life

18.10.23               Harvest Assembly

19.10.23               PAWS Film Night (3.15-5.00pm)

19.10.23               PAWS Mufti Day

19.10.23               PAWS Fundraising Pizza Making Kits to go home

20.10.23               Inset Day

23-27.10.23          Half Term

30.10.23               WJS Open Evening – prospective Year 2 parents and children (6.00-7.30pm)

November 2023                               

03.11.23               Race for Life (postponed)

04.11.23               WJS/Lions Yateley Fireworks Fiesta – volunteers required

06.11.23               UK Parliament Week

08.11.23               Year 5 Winchester Science Centre

10.11.23               5DC Radio Show

12.11.23               WJS attending Remembrance Parade

13-17.11.23          Anti-Bullying Week (Monday 13th Odd Sock Day)

17.11.23               Quiz Night at WJS (7.00pm)

20-25.11.23          Road Safety Week

21.11.23               Parents Evening (3.45-6.45pm)

23.11.23               Parents Evening (3.45-6.45pm)

24.11.23               Time to Shine (Non Uniform Road Safety Day)

25.11.23               Yateley Christmas Market

December 2023                

01.12.23               PAWS Christmas Pop-up Shop

08.12.23               Christmas Extravaganza (afterschool)

12.12.23               School Carol Concert at St Swithun’s Church (10.30-12.00 parents welcome)

12.12.23               School Disco (Year 3 & 4 5.00- 6.15pm/Year 5 & 6 6.30- 7.45pm) 

14.12.23               Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Lunch

15.12.23               End of term (3.15pm finish)

January 2024                     

02.01.24               Inset Day

03.01.24               First day of term

15.01.24               First Week of Clubs

22.01.24               World Religion Day

22-26.01.24          Westfields Has Talent Auditions (All Week)

February 2024                   

01.02.24               PAWS Film Night (afterschool) 

05-09.02.24          Wellbeing Week

05.02.24               Year 5 Condover Hall Parents Information Meeting

06.02.24               Safer Internet Day

07.02.24               Chit-Chat, Tea and Cake (8.45-9.45am)

07.02.24               Westfields Has Talent Showcase

12-16.02.24          Half Term

21.02.24               Multiply Maths Games Night (3.15-5.15pm)

22.02.24               Bags2Schoo Collection

26.02.24               Compute With Me Workshop (3.30-4.45pm)

March 2024                        

05.03.24               Parents Evening (3.45-6.45pm)

07.03.24               World Book Day

07.03.24               Parents Evening (3.45-6.45pm)

08.03.24               5HB Radio Show

11-15.03.24          Science Week

21.03.24               Chocolate Bingo (4.00-5.30pm & 6.00-7.30pm)

22.03.24               5LR Class Assembly (Refreshments from 9.40am)

26.03.24               Potted Sports Afternoon

27.03.24               Year 5 Saxons & Vikings Creative Day

27.03.24               Choir Performance to Parents

28.03.24               End of Term (3.15pm finish)

29-12.03.24          Easter Holidays

April 2024                           

15.04.24               First day of Term

17.04.24               Year 5 Fantastic Finish Learning Exhibition (2.00-3.00pm)

19.04.24               World Earth Day

22.04.24               First week of clubs

29.04-01.05.24     Year 4 Ufton Court Residential

May 2024                            

01.05.24               Year 4 Return from Ufton Court Residential

02.05.24               Bags2School Collection

06.05.24               Bank Holiday

17.05.24               Year 5 Fiver Challenge (afterschool – whole school welcome)

20-24.05.24          Walk to School Week

23.04.24               WISPA/PAWS Mufti Day

23.05.24               Chit-Chat, Tea & Cake (8.45-9.45am)

23.05.24               Colour Run (3.15-5.00pm) TBC

24.05.24               Inset Day

27-31.05.24          Half Term

June 2024         

14.05.24               Whole School Poetry Slam

18.06.24               Year 5 Trip to British Wildlife Centre

20.06.24               Class photographs and Year 6 Photograph

21.06.24               5DC Class Assembly (Refreshments from 9.40am)

28.06.24               WISPA/PAWS Mufti for Summer Fair

July 2024                             

01.07.24               New Entrants Welcome Evening

03.07.24               Celebration Evening (3.30-5.00pm – all welcome)

05.07.24               Sports Day

05.07.24               5LR Radio Show

12.07.24               Reserve Sports Day

16.07.24               School Disco (Year 3 & 4 5.00- 6.15pm/Year 5 & 6 6.30- 7.45pm)

23.07.24               Last day of term



For the following trips and events, further details will be communicated to parents in due course.

September 2022

01.09.22               Inset Day

02.09.22               Inset Day

05.09.22               First day of term

12.09.22               Whole School Reading Matters Week

15.09.22               Individual School Photographs (AM)

15.09.22               Year 5 Meet the Teacher Meeting (2.45pm)

19.09.22               First week of clubs

21.09.22               PAWS Welcome Meeting & AGM (7.00pm)

23.09.22               Firework Competition Deadline

27.09.22               Blue Sky Thinking – opportunity to meet with Headteacher (8.45-9.45am, 2.15-3.15pm, 6.30-7.30pm)

29.09.22               Yateley School Open Evening

30.09.22               Christmas Card Designs home (with leaflet)

October 2022                    

11.10.22               WJS Open Morning – prospective Year 2 parents and children (9.00-11.30am)

14.10.22               Year 5 at Winchester Science Centre

14.10.22               Christmas Card Design Deadline

20.10.22               PAWS Film Night (3.15-5.00pm)

20.10.22               PAWS Mufti Day

20.10.22               PAWS Fundraising Pizza Making Kits to go home

21.10.22               Inset Day

24-28.10.22         Half Term

November 2022                               

01.11.22               WJS Open Morning – prospective Year 2 parents and children (6.00-7.30pm)

03.11.22               Race for Life (postponed)

04.11.22               PAWS Bags2School Collection

04.11.22               5DC Class Assembly (refreshments from 9:40am)

05.11.22               WJS/Lions Yateley Fireworks Fiesta – volunteers required

08.11.22               English Parent Workshop (6.30-7.30pm)

09.11.22               PAWS Meeting (7.00pm)

13.11.22               WJS attending Remembrance Parade

15-19.11.22         Anti-Bullying Week (Monday 14th Odd Sock Day – commences week with ‘what makes us unique’)

15-19.11.22         Road Safety Week (Friday 18th Time to Shine)

18.11.22               PAWS Quiz Night at WJS

23.11.22               Parents Evening (3.45-6.45pm)

24.11.22               Parents Evening (3.45-6.45pm)

25.11.22               Whole School Flu Immunisation

26.11.22               Yateley Christmas Market

December 2022                

01.12.22               PAWS Christmas Pop-up Shop

09.12.22               Christmas Extravaganza (afterschool)

13.12.22               School Carol Concert at St Swithun’s Church (10.30-12.00 parents welcome)

14.12.22               School Disco (Year 3 & 4 5.00- 6.15pm/Year 5 & 6 6.30- 7.45pm) 

15.12.22               Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Lunch

15.12.22               End of term (3.15pm finish)

January 2023                     

03.01.23               Inset Day

04.01.23               First day of term

13.01.23               5DC & 5HB Swimming Lessons

16.01.23               World Religion Day

17.01.23               Year 5 Young Voices 2023

19.01.23               Maths Parent Workshop (6.30-7.30pm)

20.01.23               5HB Class Assembly (refreshments from 9.40am)

20.01.23               5RP & 5DC Swimming Lessons

23-27.01.23          Westfields Has Talent Auditions Week (lunchtime)

25.01.23               PAWS Meeting (7.00pm)

27.01.23               5HB & 5RP Swimming Lessons

February 2023                   

02.02.23               PAWS Film Night (afterschool) 

03.02.23               5DC & 5HB Swimming Lessons

06-10.02.23          Wellbeing Week

06.02.23               Year 5 Residential Parents Information Meeting (6.00pm)

08.02.23               Safer Internet Day

10.02.23               Westfields Has Talent Showcase

10.02.23               5RP & 5DC Swimming Lessons

10.02.23               5DC Radio Show

13-17.02.23         Half Term

24.02.23               PAWS Bags2School Collection

24.02.23               5HB & 5RP Swimming Lessons

28.02.23               Parents Evening (3.45-6.45pm)

March 2023                        

01.03.23               Parents Evening (3.45-6.45pm)

03.03.22               World Book Day

03.03.23               5DC & 5HB Swimming Lessons

13-17.03.23         Science Week

14.03.23               5RP & 5DC Swimming Lessons

17.03.23               Mufti Day – Red Nose Day

17.03.23               5HB & 5RP Swimming Lessons

24.03.23               Whole School Poetry Slam

28.03.23               Potted Sports Afternoon

31.03.23               Last Day of Term (3.15pm finish)

April 2023                           

17.04.23               First day of Term

19.04.23               Year 5 Fantastic Finish Learning Exhibition (2.15pm)

19.04.23               PAWS Meeting (7.00pm)

21.04.23               World Earth Day

28.04.23               5HB Radio Show

May 2023                            

01.05.23               Bank Holiday

18.05.23               Year 5 Fiver Challenge (afterschool – whole school welcome)

22-26.05.23         Walk to School Week

25.05.23               PAWS Film Night (afterschool)

26.05.23               Inset Day

29-02.06.23         Half Term

June 2023         

09.06.23               PAWS Bags2School Collection

08.06.23               Class photographs and Year 6 Photograph

13.06.23               British Wildlife Centre Trip

13.06.23               PAWS Meeting (7.00pm)

16.06.23               Pay It Forward Day

16.06.23               5RP Class Assembly (refreshments from 9.40am)

July 2023                             

03.07.23               New Entrants (Year 3 ) Welcome Evening

05.07.23               Celebration Evening (3.30-5.00pm – all welcome)

07.07.23               Sports Day

11.07.23               District Sports

14.07.23               Reserve Sports Day

18.07.23               School Disco (Year 3 & 4 5.00- 6.15pm/Year 5 & 6 6.30- 7.45pm)

21.07.22               Last day of term


For the following trips and events, further details will be communicated to parents in due course.


06.09.21               First day of term

13.09.21               Whole School Reading Matters Week

16.09.21               Individual School Photographs (AM)

20.09.21               First week of clubs

22.09.21               PAWS Welcome Meeting & AGM (7.00pm)

23.09.21               Year 5 Meet the Teacher Meeting (2.45pm)

29.09.21               Blue Sky Thinking – opportunity to meet with Headteacher (8.45-9.45am, 2.25-3.15pm, 6.30-7.30pm)

October 2021                    

01.10.21               Christmas Card Designs home (with leaflet)

04-08.10.21         Walk to School Week

12.10.21               PAWS Film Night (3.15-5.00pm) postponed to Spring Term

15.10.21               Year 5 @ Winchester Science Centre

15.10.21               Christmas Card Order Deadline

20.10.21               WJS Open Evening – prospective Year 2 parents and children (6.00-7.30pm)

21.10.21               PAWS Mufti Day

21.10.21               PAWS Fundraising Pizza Making Kits to go home

22.10.21               Inset Day

November 2021                               

06.11.21               WJS/Lions Yateley Fireworks Fiesta – volunteers required

10.11.21               PAWS Meeting (7.00pm)

11.11.21               Whole School Fun Run

12.11.21              5DC Class Assembly (10.00am)

14.11.21               WJS attending Remembrance Parade

15-19.11.21         Anti-Bullying Week (Monday 15th Odd Sock Day – commences week with ‘what makes us unique’)

15-19.11.21         Road Safety Week (Friday 19th Time to Shine)

19.11.21               English Parents Workshop available online

19.11.21               5JF Radio Show

24.11.21               Parents Evening (3.45-6.45pm)

25.11.21               Parents Evening (3.45-6.45pm)

27.11.21               Yateley Christmas Market

30.11.21               Whole School Flu Immunisations

December 2021                

02.12.21               PAWS Christmas Pop-up Shop

10.12.21               Christmas Extravaganza (afterschool)

14.12.21               School Carol Concert at St Swithun’s Church (10.30-12.00 parents welcome)

15.12.21               School Disco (Year 3 & 4 5.00- 6.15pm/Year 5 & 6 6.30- 7.45pm) – postponed

16.12.21               Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Lunch

17.12.21               End of term (1.15pm finish)

January 2022                     

04.01.22               Inset Day

05.01.22               First day of term

12.01.22               Year 5 Swimming Lessons (details to follow)

14.01.22               World Religion Day

19.01.22               Year 5 Swimming Lessons (details to follow)

20.01.22               Year 5 Young Voices

26.01.22               Year 5 Swimming Lessons (details to follow)

February 2022                   

01.02.22               Year 5 Westfields Has Talent Auditions (lunchtime)

02.02.22               Year 5 Swimming Lessons (details to follow)

03.02.22               PAWS Film Night (afterschool) postponed

07.02.22               Year 5 Croft Farm Parents Information Meeting (6.00pm)

08.02.22               Safer Internet Day

09.02.22               Year 5 Swimming Lessons (details to follow)

11.02.22               5JF Class Assembly (10.00am)

11.02.22               Westfields Has Talent Showcase

16.02.22               Year 5 Swimming Lessons (details to follow)

18.02.22               PAWS Mufti Day

18.02.22               5DT Radio Show

March 2022                        

02.03.22               Parents Evening (3.45-6.45pm)

03.03.22               World Book Day

03.03.22               Parents Evening (3.45-6.45pm)

14-18.03.22         Science Week

25.03.22               Whole School Poetry Slam (World Poetry Day – 21st March)

25.03.22               PAWS Quiz Night

30.03.22               Year 5 Anglo Saxon Viking Day

31.03.22               Year 5 Happy Ensemble Performance to Parents (2.45-3.15pm)

April 2022                           

05.04.22               Potted Sports Afternoon

06.04.22               School Disco (Year 3 & 4 5.00- 6.15pm/Year 5 & 6 6.30- 7.45pm)

08.04.22               Easter Raffle and Last Day of Spring Term (1.15pm finish)

25.04.22               First day of term

27.04.22               PAWS Meeting (7.00pm)

29.04.22               Year 5 Marwell Zoo Visit

May 2022                            

06.05.22               5DT Class Assembly (10.00am)

13.05.22               Year 5 Fiver Challenge (afterschool – whole school welcome)

24.05.22               PAWS Film Night (afterschool)

25.05.22               The Great Debate Event

26.05.22               Westfields Jubilee Celebration Day – Dress to Impress for a party fit for the Queen!

27.05.22               Inset Day

June 2022                           

14.06.22               Class photographs and Year 6 Photograph

July 2022                             

01.07.22               5DC Radio Show

05.07.22               Sports Day

06.07.22               Celebration Evening (3.30-5.00pm – all welcome)

08.07.22               PAWS Mufti Day

12.07.22               Reserve Sports Day

21.07.22               Last day of term


Whole school letters and newsletters can be found under the Parents tab (link to whole school letters)

Year 5 Letters 2024-2025

Year 5 Letters 2023-2024

Year 5 Letters 2022-2023

Year 5 Letters 2021-2022

Year 5 Letters 2020-2021
