S’Cool Radio & Radio Leaders

S’Cool radio is an integral part of our approach to developing childrens speaking and listening skills.

Family and friends anywhere in the world can tune into class radio shows, interviews and other podcasts.

Meet our Radio Leaders

Class Radio Shows 2024/2025 (We would love to hear what you think, please comment below)

Class Radio Shows 2023/2024 (We would love to hear what you think, please comment below)

Class Radio Shows 2022/2023 (We would love to hear what you think, please comment below)

Class Radio Shows 2021/2022 (We would love to hear what you think, please comment below)

Class Radio Shows 2020/2021 (We would love to hear what you think, please comment below)

Class Radio Shows 2019/2020 (We would love to hear what you think, please comment below)

Class Radio Shows 2018/2019 (We would love to hear what you think, please comment below)

Interviews (We would love to hear what you think, please comment below)

Comments  (We would love to hear what you think, please comment below on your child’s class radio show)


  1. Laura Nevitt

    We loved listening to 6LL’s radio show on World War2 this morning. The class have clearly worked very hard on the material and spoke beautifully! We especially liked the poems, and felt quite emotional listening to them well done 6LL

  2. R Joyner

    Great radio show 4TR! So professional! I especially loved the harvest songs 🙂

  3. Linda beard

    4TR’s Groovy Greek radio show is amazing.
    Wonderful to hear all they’ve been learning.

  4. Leena Dattani

    3mp October 2019 what a fab show
    Really interesting and full of information
    Well done xx

  5. Heidi Hurst

    Loved the 6HP Radio Show – it sounds like you all enjoyed Mill Rythe and had lots of great experiences (and food). Well done everyone!

  6. Heidi Hurst

    JRSO Radio Show – Fantastic show, the team were really confident and clear, their quiz was really informative and I loved the singing – very clever change of lyrics. Well done guys, a great radio show and it made me smile too!

  7. Anonymous

    Great show 3RP!


    3MP, great radio show! You all have great voices, loved the poems!

  9. Joanna Rawlins

    Just loved to hear the radio show that 3MP have recorded! Great to hear how enthusiastic they are about their learning!

  10. Ohyeyeohyeye

    6LL that was amazing well done!!!

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