World Book Day 2022

What a day we had! Once again, World Book Day at WJS was jam-packed with a multitude of exciting reading opportunities to celebrate our love of reading. We must first mention the children (and staff!) with their fantastic effort on costumes – from tigers who...

4BD Class Assembly

4BD were transported with their teachers and family members into different worlds this morning when they visited The Anywhere Library in their Class Assembly. They acted, sung and danced like West-End stars to share highlights from their learning this year by visiting...

3HC Class Assembly

On Tuesday, 3HC travelled back to the Stone Age in their Class Assembly and they have continued to sing their special song all week! The children covered many key areas of Stone Age life such as houses by becoming Stone Age estate agents in ‘Escape to the Stone Age’;...

5DT Radio Show

5DT have uploaded their entertaining Class Radio Show this week to share some of their historical learning about the Vicious Vikings! The children would love you to find the time to listen to their fabulous recording by visiting: ...

5JF’s Class Assembly

Due to a necessary postponement, 5JF finally performed their Class Assembly to parents and family members on Wednesday morning this week. It was certainly worth the wait as the children were fantastic! They confidently and expressively shared their extensive knowledge...