On Thursday, we had a jam-packed day of reading celebrations with our annual World Book Day! We celebrated our love of reading through a variety of enriching reading opportunities. It was incredible to see the efforts that children (and staff!) made with their costumes. From wizards to inflatable aliens as well as lots of comfy pyjamas – it was wonderful to see such imaginative and thoughtful costumes!

This year our school’s theme was… ‘Amazing Authors!’ and each year group have explored a range of books from their author. Year 3 went on an adventure with Philip Reeve and Sarah McIntyre, Year 4 laughed as they shared the comic stories of Swapna Haddow, Year 5 travelled into the imaginary lands of Jenny Mclachlan and Year 6 solved mysteries with Katherine Woodfine! Across the school, the children have produced detailed and beautiful pieces of work as well as creative displays linked to their authors and their stories. We will be sharing examples of these (along with lots more photographs!) on our school website soon. We were also very excited to see the efforts that the children made with our Book Character Spoon Competition – we had record numbers of entries across the school! All of the creations were imaginative and the time and effort put into creating them was evident; thank you to all parents for their support with this.

As well as our classroom activities, we also buddied up with WIS to create three ‘Stories Through the Years’. Each class, starting with Reception wrote a paragraph of a story and then passed it on to each year group, all the way to Year 6! It was certainly interesting to read the final stories! We also held our Big Federation Read where the children had the opportunity to read with children from across the federation. It was lovely to see children in all year groups sharing stories and talking about books.

Finally, we must mention the return of our Masked Reader where WJS staff had secretly prepared videos reading extracts from mystery books for our fun challenge. The children (and staff!) really enjoyed trying to work out who each of our characters were – including some who had disguised their voices!

We want to thank everyone for their amazing efforts and hope that they all had a fabulous World Book Day!