To consolidate our learning about the topic ‘Water, Water Everywhere’, Year 4 put their geographical investigation skills to the test in a visit to Gilbert White Field Studies Centre. As true geographers, they braved the mud in their wellies and explored the river features as well as the site and grounds of Gilbert White’s House. Half of our day was spent in the river exploring its velocity with our timed duck races; measuring the varying depths to observe the processes of erosion and deposition as well as identifying the wildlife that live in the river bed. It was an incredible highlight to use strategies like the kick test
and river sweep with our nets to investigate Selborne’s diversity – we even caught a fish, several larvae and shrimp! As well as putting our river knowledge to the test, we had the opportunity to learn about Gilbert White’s house and grounds in a competitive orienteering activity. All groups wanted to make sure that they were the first to complete the challenge, find the bonus box and return to base – including the teachers and parent helpers who definitely got into the competitive spirit! Finally, we used repeating patterns in nature to recreate river features using sticks and had the opportunity to act as river droplets making our way through the water cycle from source to mouth and back into the clouds to start our journey again. Although the weather wasn’t particularly kind to us, all of the children (and adults!) had a fantastic time at one with nature and seeing our topic come to life.
Mrs Long, Year 4 Team Leader and AHT