On Monday and Tuesday this week, Year 6 enjoyed fantastic day visits to Winchester Military Museums. From handling World War II artefacts, to trying on a range of military outfits, we all certainly enjoyed immersing ourselves into our topic. During the morning, we learnt all about different military medals and then had the opportunity to design our own. After this, we became ‘history detectives’ and investigated historical sources to answer questions about a range of World War II topics such as the Blitz, propaganda and women during the war. As well as this, we took a journey through time looking at the variety of military outfits the British Army has worn throughout the years. We all got to try some on – even the teachers!
Finally, we learnt all about Gurkha soldiers and the impact they have made on the British Army. The children were a credit to our school and we all hope they enjoyed their time deepening their
historical knowledge through such practical and enriched experiences!
Miss Campbell Year 6 Team Leader