After school on Tuesday we once again opened our doors and invited parents and family members to share all of our children’s amazing achievements throughout this academic year. From an array of curriculum class books and creative home learning to inventive projects and products, there was so much on display! Each classroom also shared a slide show of photographs and many had laptops and iPads out to share the children’s successes in Computing. In addition to this, in the hall, Art Club proudly exhibited their canvases that they have created this term.
There was such a wonderful sense of success and once again I could not be prouder of the hard work that all of the children and staff have put in to the wonderful world of Westfields during this academic year.
I must also say a huge thank you (again!) to our lovely PAWS team who served refreshments and sold second hand uniform. Mrs Colyer took the opportunity to host another book fair—thank you to her and of course to you for your support of this fundraiser. And finally, a huge well done to the Year 6 Charity Fundraising Team who made a delicious
selection of baked treats raising £40.52 for Frimley Park Hospital, what a thoughtful bunch!