Following an introduction in Monday’s assembly, today we celebrated Pay It Forward Day. To put this into context, we discussed what kindness is and the many different ways it can be shown. The children then drew a picture, wrote a poem, wrote a list or created word art to illustrate what kindness looks like to them. After this, the children decorated a brick to help make a ‘Westfields Wall of Kindness’ filled with things we could do at school to pay it forward! Each class also made a calendar; similar to our alternative Advent Calendar at Christmas, the children have decided one thing they can do each day to show kindness to others. In the afternoon, we turned our focus to the local community and how we could pay kindness forward to them. As next month, the NHS will celebrate its 75th birthday we had been asked to decorate some bunting to display in local hospitals. The children did a fabulous job! Finally, we made ‘Get Well Soon’ cards for people in local hospitals to spread some happiness on an individual basis. We all hope the children enjoyed paying kindness forward today to make a difference!
Miss Campbell, PSHE Co-ordinator